Man pages for SGB
Simplicial Generalized Beta Regression

arcarc dataset
B2iBalances to isometric log-ratio
carsegcarseg dataset
covest.SGBClassical and robust asymptotic covariance matrix
EqualityConstrEquality constraints for overall shape and/or regression...
EZ.SGBExpectations of Z under the SGB distribution
GenGammaDistribGeneralized Gamma distribution
GoodnessFitGoodness of fit tests on the marginal distributions of each...
ImputationImputation of missing parts in compositions from a SGB model
InequalityConstrInequality constraints and jacobian
InitialParametersInitial parameters estimates and comparison
MarginPlotsHistograms, quantile and probability plots for the...
ocarocar data set
oilroilr data set
regSGBRegression for compositions following a SGB distribution
SGBdistribDensity and random generator for the SGB distribution
SGBlikSGB log-likelihood and gradient
SGB-packagePackage SGB
SGButilComputation of scales and z-vectors
stepSGBStepwise backward elimination for SGB regression
summaryA.SGBAitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
TabulationTabulation of overall SGB regression results with AIC and...
SGB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4 a.m.