
# Documentation for the dataset "truffles"

#' @title Dataset "Truffles"
#' @name truffles
#' @aliases rainfall beta
#' @description Yearly truffles production and corresponding monthly rainfall 
#' information of the Perigord black truffle in the Vaucluse (France) between
#' 1924 and 1949.
#' @docType data
#' @format 3 datasets are provided: \itemize{
#'   \item \code{rainfall}: a data frame with 15 columns (months from January 
#'   Year n to March Year n+1) and 25 rows (production years from 1924/1925 to 
#'   1948/1949). Data correspond to cumulated rainfall in mm;
#'   \item \code{truffles}: a vector with 25 values corresponding to the total 
#'   production (in kg) of truffles in the truffle patch of T. melanosporum de 
#'   Pernes-Les-Fontaines (Vaucluse, France);
#'   \item \code{beta}: 0/1 vector with 15 values indicated the months during 
#'   which the rainfall has the most important influence on the truffle 
#'   production, as provided by experts.
#' }
#' @details This dataset has been made available by courtesy of the authors of 
#' the publication [Baragatti \emph{et al.}, 2019]. Meteorological data have 
#' been provided by Meteo France https://meteofrance.com (Orange meteorological 
#' station) and truffle production data are courtesy of the truffle patch.
#' @references
#' Baragatti M., Grollemund P.M., Montpied P., Dupouey J.L., Gravier J., Murat 
#' C., Le Tacon F. (2019) Influence of annual climatic variations, climate
#' changes, and sociological factors on the production of the Perigord black 
#' truffle (\emph{Tuber melanosporum Vittad.}) from 1903-1904 to 1988-1989 in 
#' the Vaucluse (France), \emph{Mycorrhiza}, \strong{29}(2), 113-125.
#' @examples 
#' data(truffles)
#' \dontrun{
#' summary(truffles)
#' plot(1:15, rainfall[1, ], type = "l", xlab = "month", ylab = "rainfall (mm)")
#' }


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