Man pages for SMLE
Joint Feature Screening via Sparse MLE

coefExtract coefficients from fitted model
Gen_DataData simulator for high-dimensional GLMs
logLikExtract log-likelihood
plot.selectionPlots to visualize the post-screening selection
plot.smlePlots to visualize SMLE screening
predictPrediction based on SMLE screening and selection
printPrint an object
pvalsp values of synthetic genetic association study data set
SMLEJoint feature screening via sparse maximum likelihood...
SMLE-packageJoint SMLE-screening for generalized linear models
smle_selectElaborative post-screening selection with SMLE
summarySummarize SMLE-screening and selection
synSNPSynthetic genetic association study data set
vote_updateExtract and adjust voting from SMLE selection
SMLE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:35 a.m.