Defines functions rSMR qSMR pSMR dSMR

Documented in dSMR pSMR qSMR rSMR

# Disabled

# dSMR <- function(x, size, df, np = 32, log = FALSE)
# {
#   if (any(is.nan(x)) == TRUE) warning("The x argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
#     if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
#     if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument (df) must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric x argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   nn <- max(length(x),length(size),length(df),length(np))
#   if (nn == length(x) | length(x) > nn)          xx <- cbind(x) else
#     if (length(x) == 1 | length(x) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(x, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
#     if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
#     if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
#     if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))
#   dtched <- function(xx) return(dMR(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4]))
#   d <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)
#   if (log == TRUE) d <- log(d)
#   return(d)
# }
# pSMR <- function(q, size, df, np = 32, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
# {
#     if (any(is.nan(q)) == TRUE) warning("The q argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#     if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#     if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#     if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
#     if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
#     if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
#       if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
#     if (is.numeric(q) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric q argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#     if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#     if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#     nn <- max(length(q),length(size),length(df),length(np))
#     if (nn == length(q) | length(q) > nn)          xx <- cbind(q) else
#       if (length(q) == 1 | length(q) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(q, length = nn))
#     if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
#       if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))
#     if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
#       if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))
#     if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
#       if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))
#     dtched <- function(xx) return(pMR(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4]))
#     p <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)
#     if (lower.tail == FALSE) p <- 1 - p
#     if (log.p == TRUE) p <- log(p)
#     return(p)
# }
# qSMR <- function(p, size, df, np=32, eps=1e-13, maxit=5000, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
# {
#   if (any(is.nan(p)) == TRUE) warning("The p argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
#     if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
#     if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (is.numeric(p) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric p argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (log.p == TRUE) {
#     if (any(p[!is.nan(p)] > 0)) warning("log(p) > 0 indicates that the probabilities p are not between 0 and 1!", call. = FALSE)
#     p <- exp(p)
#   }
#   if (lower.tail == FALSE) p <- 1 - p
#   if (any(p[!is.nan(p)] > 1) | any(p[!is.nan(p)] < 0)) warning("Probabilities p must be between 0 and 1!", call. = FALSE)
#   nn <- max(length(p),length(size),length(df),length(np),length(eps),length(maxit))
#   if (nn == length(p) | length(p) > nn)          xx <- cbind(p) else
#     if (length(p) == 1 | length(p) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(p, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
#     if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
#     if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
#     if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(eps)| length(eps) > nn)       xx <- cbind(xx, eps) else
#     if (length(eps) == 1 | length(eps) < nn)     xx <- cbind(xx,rep(eps, length = nn))
#   if (nn == length(maxit)| length(maxit) > nn)   xx <- cbind(xx, maxit) else
#     if (length(maxit) == 1 | length(maxit) < nn) xx <- cbind(xx,rep(maxit, length = nn))
#   dtched <- function(xx) return(qMR(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5], xx[6]))
#   q <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)
#   return(q)
# }
# rSMR <- function(n, size,  df = Inf)
# {
#   if (is.nan(n) == TRUE) warning("The n argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.nan(size) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.nan(df) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.nan(size) == FALSE){
#     if(size <= 1) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (is.nan(df) == FALSE){
#     if(df <= 0) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
#   if (is.numeric(n) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric n argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
#   if (is.nan(n) == FALSE){
#     if (n < 1) warning("The number of simulations must be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)}
#   x <- rMR(n, size, df)
#   return(x)
# }

# Active

dSMR <- function(x, size, df, np = 32, log = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(x)) == TRUE) warning("The x argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
    if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
    if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument (df) must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric x argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)

  nn <- max(length(x),length(size),length(df),length(np))

  if (nn == length(x) | length(x) > nn)          xx <- cbind(x) else
    if (length(x) == 1 | length(x) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(x, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
    if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
    if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
    if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))

  dtched <- function(xx) return(dMRc(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4]))
  d <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)
  if (log == TRUE) d <- log(d)

pSMR <- function(q, size, df, np = 32, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(q)) == TRUE) warning("The q argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
    if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
    if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (is.numeric(q) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric q argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)

  nn <- max(length(q),length(size),length(df),length(np))

  if (nn == length(q) | length(q) > nn)          xx <- cbind(q) else
    if (length(q) == 1 | length(q) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(q, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
    if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
    if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
    if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))

  dtched <- function(xx) return(pMRc(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4]))
  p <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)
  if (lower.tail == FALSE) p <- 1 - p
  if (log.p == TRUE) p <- log(p)

qSMR <- function(p, size, df, np=32, eps=1e-13, maxit=5000, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(p)) == TRUE) warning("The p argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.nan(size)) == FALSE){
    if(any(size<=1) == TRUE) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (any(is.nan(df)) == FALSE){
    if(any(df <= 0) == TRUE) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (is.numeric(p) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric p argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (log.p == TRUE) {
    if (any(p[!is.nan(p)] > 0)) warning("log(p) > 0 indicates that the probabilities p are not between 0 and 1!", call. = FALSE)
    p <- exp(p)
  if (lower.tail == FALSE) p <- 1 - p
  if (any(p[!is.nan(p)] > 1) | any(p[!is.nan(p)] < 0)) warning("Probabilities p must be between 0 and 1!", call. = FALSE)

  nn <- max(length(p),length(size),length(df),length(np),length(eps),length(maxit))

  if (nn == length(p) | length(p) > nn)          xx <- cbind(p) else
    if (length(p) == 1 | length(p) < nn)         xx <- cbind(rep(p, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(size)| length(size) > nn)     xx <- cbind(xx, size) else
    if (length(size) == 1 | length(size) < nn)   xx <- cbind(xx,rep(size, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(df)| length(df) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, df) else
    if (length(df) == 1 | length(df) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(df, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(np)| length(np) > nn)         xx <- cbind(xx, np) else
    if (length(np) == 1 | length(np) < nn)       xx <- cbind(xx,rep(np, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(eps)| length(eps) > nn)       xx <- cbind(xx, eps) else
    if (length(eps) == 1 | length(eps) < nn)     xx <- cbind(xx,rep(eps, length = nn))

  if (nn == length(maxit)| length(maxit) > nn)   xx <- cbind(xx, maxit) else
    if (length(maxit) == 1 | length(maxit) < nn) xx <- cbind(xx,rep(maxit, length = nn))

  dtched <- function(xx) return(qMRc(xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5], xx[6]))
  q <- apply(xx, 1, dtched)

rSMR <- function(n, size,  df = Inf)
  if (is.nan(n) == TRUE) warning("The n argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.nan(size) == TRUE) warning("The size argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.nan(df) == TRUE) warning("The df argument must be numeric!", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.nan(size) == FALSE){
    if(size <= 1) warning("Sample size must be greater than 1!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (is.nan(df) == FALSE){
    if(df <= 0) warning("Degrees of freedom argument df must be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)}
  if (is.numeric(n) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric n argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(size) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric size argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(df) == FALSE) stop ("Non-numeric df argument to mathematical function", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.nan(n) == FALSE){
    if (n < 1) warning("The number of simulations must be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)}
  x <- rMRc(n, size, df)

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SMR documentation built on Oct. 8, 2023, 1:07 a.m.