findh: Calculate the Estimated Smoothing Parameter

findhR Documentation

Calculate the Estimated Smoothing Parameter


This function is used to obtain the estimated smoothing parameter \hat h that will be used in the circular kernel density estimator (see circ.kernel).


findh(data, h = 1, to = 1)



the data vector from which to calculate the estimated smoothing parameter \hat h that will be used in the circular kernel density estimator.


integer value from 1 to 9, specifying the smoothing parameter to calculate according to the following table:

\hat h_1=1.06sn^{-1/5}
\hat h_2=1.06s_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_3=1.06\bar{D}_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_4=1.06|{D}_\circ|n^{-1/5}
\hat h_5=1.06{IQR}_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_6=\frac{1.06}{1.349}{IQR}_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_7=0.9s_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_8=\frac{0.9}{1.349}{IQR}_\circ n^{-1/5}
\hat h_9=\frac{1}{8}∑ _{i=1}^8{h_i}

the value of the maximum domain of the data. Values will usually either be 1 or 2π.


The function produces a single real value between 0 and 1, representing the rounded value (to 2 decimal places) of the estimating smoothing parameter.


Willem Daniel Schutte


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SOPIE documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:25 p.m.