
#' Sample polygon data of Toronto
#' A sf(simple feature) containing geometric boundaries of Toronto DAs(Dissemination Area) with their codes.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{DAUID}{Dissemination Area ID}
#'   \item{CIMD_SDD}{Factor score of CIMD(The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation) social deprivation dimension}
#'   \item{PP_SDD}{Principal score of Pampalon social deprivation dimension}
#'   \item{P_commute}{Percentage of households who commute within census subdivision (CSD) of residence }
#'   \item{geometry}{the geometry column for counties(CRS: NAD83)}
#' }

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SSIMmap documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 1:07 a.m.