Man pages for SSrat
Two-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales

bgBackground data of 8 groups from a longitudinal study on...
calcallgroupsCalculates the social status determinations of multiple...
calcgroupCalculates sociometric status determinations of a specified...
describeratdataShow various features of the SSrat dataframe
enterratdataEnter or edit rating data
example1a.ratExample 1a of rating data with names of the raters (and...
example1.ratExample 1 of rating data that can be processed further to...
example2.ratExample 2 of rating data with more raters than assessed
example3.ratExample 3 of rating data with more assessors than assessed
example4.ratExample 4 of rating data with some missing data
example5.ratExample 5 of rating data Newcomb and Bukowski '3-point...
example6.ratExample 6 of rating data of two groups of unequal size
example7.ratExample 7 of rating data of three groups and two different...
gplot.SSratPlots the Sympathy, Antipathy, Preference or Impact table of...
klas2.ratExample klas2 of rating data with names of the raters...
readratdatafixedReads the ratings of a group of raters from a specified...
Ss96.ratschool, year 1996
Ss97.ratschool, year 1997
Ss98.ratschool, year 1998
SSratSsrat, a Program for Two-dimensional Sociometric Status...
SSrat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:26 a.m.