Man pages for SWATmodel
A multi-OS implementation of the TAMU SWAT model.

build_swat_basicExtracts a simple 9 HRU, 3 subbasin SWAT initialization
readSWATRead output.* files from SWAT200*
runSWAT2005This runs the SWAT2005 executable in the current directory.
runSWAT2009This runs the SWAT2009 executable in the current directory.
runSWAT2012This runs the SWAT2012 executable in the current directory.
swat_generalAll files required for a general SWAT run.
SWATmodel-packageSWATmodel: A multi-OS / multi-platform implementation of the...
SWATmodel documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:29 p.m.