HydstraSiteDetails: Get streamflow station information from Hydstra API

View source: R/HydstraSiteDetails.R

HydstraSiteDetailsR Documentation

Get streamflow station information from Hydstra API


This function use the API associated with states' Hydstra databases to return useful site information.


HydstraSiteDetails(site, state, out_folder, flood_level = NA)



station number, e.g. "425018"


relevant state database foro the station, e.g. "NSW"


path to folder to save outputs


optional, water level in stage datum to plot on the cross section data


Currently, the relevant websites are useful for site discovery:

  • https://water-monitoring.information.qld.gov.au

  • https://realtimedata.waternsw.com.au

  • https://data.water.vic.gov.au/WMIS

The Bureau of Meteorology's Water Data Online site is also useful, which can also be queried using get_station_list() from BomWater package.

The function will save a number of files to out_folder that have a file name starting with the station number followed by:

  • site_info.csv: general site information returned, e.g. site name, coordinates, length of record, elevation

  • x_sec.csv: chainage chain and elevation (rl in gauge datum) of the control section

  • rating.csv: current rating curve, the discharge (vf in ML/d) for a gauge height vf, and also as above the cease to flow level (above_ctf)

  • gaugings.csv: record of streamflow gaugings available

  • discharge.csv: daily time series of streamflow, over a 9am - 9am period

  • plot.png: summary plot of the above data

Quality codes shown on the plot are those used by the Bureau of Meteorology defined here


a vector of length 3, with the number of cross sections, rating curves and streamflow gaugings found, respectively.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

SWTools documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 9:11 a.m.