Man pages for SeedCalc
Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Indexes

CVGVelocity of Germination Coefficient
CVtGermination Time Coefficient of variation
FGPFinal Percentage of Germination
GermCalcGermCalc Function
growthSeedling Growth Index
GSIGermination Speed Index
mean_paShoot Length
mean_raizRoot Length
mean_razaoRatio Root-Shoot Length
mean_totalSeedling Length
MGRMean Germination Rate
MGTMean Germination Time
PlantCalcPlantCalc Function
SeedCalcSeed germination and seedling growth indexes
SincGermination Synchrony
T10Time spent to 10 percent germination
T50Time spent to 50 percent germination
T90Time spent to 90 percent germination
UncGermination Uncertainty
unif_1Seedling Uniformity Index
unif_2Seedling Uniformity Index
UnifGGermination Uniformity Index
VarGerVariance of Germination Time
vigorSeed Vigor Index
vigor_corrSeed Corrected Vigor Index
SeedCalc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:26 a.m.