Man pages for Segmentor3IsBack
A Fast Segmentation Algorithm

getBreaksGeneric function
getBreaks-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getBreaks' ~~
getCompressionGeneric function
getCompression-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getCompression' ~~
getCostGeneric function
getCost-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getCost' ~~
getDataGeneric function
getData-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getData' ~~
getKmaxGeneric function
getKmax-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getKmax' ~~
getLikelihoodGeneric function
getLikelihood-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getLikelihood' ~~
getMeanGeneric function
getMean-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getMean' ~~
getModelGeneric function
getModel-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getModel' ~~
getOverdispersionGeneric function
getOverdispersion-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getOverdispersion' ~~
getParametersGeneric function
getParameters-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getParameters' ~~
getPosGeneric function
getPos-methods~~ Methods for Function 'getPos' ~~
Segmentor3IsBack-packageImplementation of the Pruned Dynamic Programming Algorithm...
Segmentor-classClass "Segmentor"
show-methods~~ Methods for Function 'show' in Package 'methods' ~~
Segmentor3IsBack documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:30 a.m.