Man pages for Sequential
Exact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial Data

Analyze.BinomialFunction for group sequential analyses for binomial data,...
Analyze.CondPoissonFunction to conduct group sequential analyses for conditional...
Analyze.PoissonFunction to conduct group sequential analyses for Poisson...
AnalyzeSetUp.BinomialFunction to set up input parameters before using the...
AnalyzeSetUp.CondPoissonFunction to set up input parameters before using the...
AnalyzeSetUp.PoissonFunction to set up input parameters before using the...
AnalyzeSetUp.wBinomialFunction to set up input parameters before using the...
Analyze.wBinomialFunction for group sequential analyses of multiple weighted...
ConfidenceInterval.BinomialConfidence Interval for the Relative Risk Following a...
CV.BinomialCalculates exact critical values for group and continuous...
CV.CondPoissonCritical values for continuous sequential CMaxSPRT for...
CV.PoissonCritical values for group and continuous sequential analysis...
Optimal.BinomialOptimal alpha spending for minimizing expected time to signal...
Performance.AlphaSpend.BinomialCalculates performance and signaling threshold for...
Performance.AlphaSpend.CondPoissonCalculates performance and signaling thresholds for...
Performance.AlphaSpend.PoissonCalculates performance and signaling thresholds for...
Performance.BinomialStatistical power, expected time to signal and expected...
Performance.CondPoissonStatistical power, expected time to signal and expected...
Performance.PoissonCalculates statistical power, expected time to signal and...
Performance.Threshold.BinomialStatistical Performance and Alpha Spending For User-defined...
Performance.Threshold.CondPoissonPerformance and alpha spending for user-defined signaling...
Performance.Threshold.PoissonPerformance and alpha spending for user-defined signaling...
SampleSize.BinomialSample size calculation for continuous sequential analysis...
SampleSize.CondPoissonSample size calculation for the continuous sequential...
SampleSize.PoissonSample size calculation for continuous sequential analysis...
Sequential-packageAnalysis Support, Critical Values, Power, Time to Signal and...
Sequential documentation built on Oct. 27, 2023, 1:07 a.m.