tabu.sem: Given a fitted lavaan model, a search table, and an objective...

View source: R/Tabu_sem.R

tabu.semR Documentation

Given a fitted lavaan model, a search table, and an objective criterion, performs a Tabu model specification search. Currently only supports neighbors that are 1 move away from the current model.


Given a fitted lavaan model, a search table, and an objective criterion, performs a Tabu model specification search. Currently only supports neighbors that are 1 move away from the current model.


tabu.sem(init.model, ptab, obj, niter = 30, tabu.size = 5)



initial fitted model of class lavaan


search table (e.g., created by search.prep) that lists candidate parameters that can be modified as part of the search and how the parameters can be modified (fixed to what values)


objective function to be MINIMIZED. Any function that takes a lavaan object as the sole argument and returns a numeric value can be used.


number of Tabu iterations to perform


size of Tabu list


A list with three elements: best.obj, the numerical value of the best (minimal) objective function achieved; best.mod, the final lavaan model, and best.binvec, a data.frame of the lavaan-formatted parameter table for the final model.


Carl F. Falk




# load simulation data and select columns used in this example
tabuData <- simulated_test_data[, c(1:10)]

# specify an improper model (improper because data is unidimensional)
tabuModel <- "
Ability =~ Item1 + Item2 + Item3 + Item4
FakeAbility =~ Item5 + Item6 + Item7 + Item8
Ability ~ Outcome
FakeAbility ~ 0*Outcome"

# run the initial misspecified model for Tabu

init.model <- lavaan::lavaan(
  model = tabuModel, data = tabuData,
  auto.var = TRUE, auto.fix.first = FALSE, = TRUE, = TRUE

# Use search.prep to prepare for the Tabu search
ptab <- search.prep(fitted.model = init.model, loadings = TRUE, fcov = TRUE, errors = FALSE)

# Perform Tabu Search
trial <- tabu.sem(init.model = init.model, ptab = ptab, obj = AIC, niter = 2, tabu.size = 5)

ShortForm documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:41 a.m.