AbsoluteFractionModern | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
AbsoluteFractionModern-BoundFc-method | automatic title |
AbsoluteFractionModern-ConstFc-method | automatic title |
AbsoluteFractionModern_from_Delta14C | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
AbsoluteFractionModern_from_Delta14C-matrix-method | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
AbsoluteFractionModern_from_Delta14C-numeric-method | Conversion of radiocarbon values, from Delta14C to absolute... |
add_plot | Add elements to plot |
add_plot-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
as.character-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
as.numeric-InFluxList_by_PoolName-method | Convert to a numeric vector with the pool names as names |
as.numeric-InternalFlux_by_PoolName-method | Convert to a numeric value with name of the form 'a->b' |
as.numeric-InternalFluxList_by_PoolName-method | Convert to a numeric vector with names of the form 'a->b' |
as.numeric-OutFluxList_by_PoolName-method | Convert to a numeric vector with the pool names as names |
availableParticleProperties | Available particle properties |
availableParticleProperties-MCSim-method | automatic title |
availableParticleSets | Available particle sets |
availableParticleSets-MCSim-method | automatic title |
availableResidentSets | Available resident sets |
availableResidentSets-MCSim-method | automatic title |
AWBmodel | Implementation of the microbial model AWB (Allison,... |
bacwaveModel | Implementation of the microbial model Bacwave (bacterial... |
bind.C14curves | Binding of pre- and post-bomb Delta14C curves |
BoundFc | Bound Fc object |
BoundFc-character-method | automatic title |
BoundFc-class | S4-class to represent atmospheric 14C concentration as scalar... |
BoundFc-missing-method | automatic title |
BoundInFluxes | constructor for BoundInFluxes |
BoundInFluxes-class | automatic title |
BoundLinDecompOp | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
BoundLinDecompOp-ANY-method | Creates an object of class BoundLinDecompOp |
BoundLinDecompOp-class | A S4 class to represent a linear compartmental operator... |
BoundLinDecompOp-UnBoundLinDecompOp-method | A converter |
by_PoolIndex | automatic title |
by_PoolIndex-ConstantInFluxRate_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex... |
by_PoolIndex-ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolName if... |
by_PoolIndex-ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | convert to a list indexed by pool names |
by_PoolIndex-ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex... |
by_PoolIndex-ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | convert to a list indexed by pool names |
by_PoolIndex-function-character-character-method | convert a function f of to f_vec |
by_PoolIndex-InFlux_by_PoolName-character-character-method | Convert the pool names to indices |
by_PoolIndex-InFluxList_by_PoolName-character-character-method | Transform pool names to indices |
by_PoolIndex-InternalFlux_by_PoolName-character-character-method | automatic title |
by_PoolIndex-InternalFluxList_by_PoolName-character-character-method | automatic title |
by_PoolIndex-OutFlux_by_PoolName-character-character-method | automatic title |
by_PoolIndex-OutFluxList_by_PoolName-character-character-method | automatic title |
by_PoolIndex-PoolConnection_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-method | constructor from strings of the form 'x->y' new object with... |
by_PoolName | automatic title |
by_PoolName-ConstantInFlux_by_PoolIndex-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex... |
by_PoolName-ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-method | convert to a list indexed by pool names |
by_PoolName-ConstantInFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex... |
by_PoolName-ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-method | convert to a list indexed by pool names |
by_PoolName-ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-method | new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolName if... |
by_PoolName-ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-method | convert to a list indexed by pool names |
C14Atm | Atmospheric 14C fraction |
C14Atm_NH | Post-bomb atmospheric 14C fraction |
cash-NlModel-method | automatic title |
CenturyModel | Implementation of the Century model |
CenturyModel14 | Implementation of a radiocarbon version of the Century model |
check_duplicate_pool_names | helper function |
check_id_length | helper function to check that the length of the argument is... |
check_pool_ids | Check pool ids |
check_pool_ids-PoolConnection_by_PoolIndex-integer-method | automatic title |
computeResults | Computes results |
computeResults-MCSim-method | automatic title |
ConstantInFlux_by_PoolIndex-class | class for a constant influx to a single pool identified by... |
ConstantInFlux_by_PoolName-class | class for a constant influx to a single pool identified by... |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-class | Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements... |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-ConstInFluxes-method | constructor from ConstInFluxes |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-numeric-method | constructor from numeric vector |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolName-class | Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements... |
ConstantInFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-class | Describes a flux rates. |
ConstantInFluxRate_by_PoolName | Constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInFluxRate_by_PoolName-class | Describes a flux rates. |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-class | S4 class representing a constant internal flux rate |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-numeric-numeric-missing-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolName-character-character-missing-numeric-method | constructor with argument conversion |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolName-class | S4-class to represent a constant internal flux rate with... |
ConstantInternalFluxRate_by_PoolName-missing-missing-character-numeric-method | constructor from strings of the form 'a->b' |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-class | Describes a list of flux rates. |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolName-class | Describes a list of flux rates. |
ConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolName-list-method | Constructor from a normal list of fluxes |
ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-class | S4 Class to represent a single constant out-flux rate with... |
ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolIndex-numeric-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstantOutFluxRate_by_PoolName-class | S4 Class to represent a single constant out-flux rate with... |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-class | Describes a list of flux rates. |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolName-class | Describes a list of flux rates. |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolName-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
ConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolName-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstFc | creates an object containing the initial values for the 14C... |
ConstFc-class | S4 class representing a constant 14C fraction |
ConstInFluxes | Constant input fluxes |
ConstInFluxes-class | S4 class for a constant influx vector |
ConstInFluxes-ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-numeric-method | automatic title |
ConstInFluxes-numeric-ANY-method | automatic title |
ConstLinDecompOp | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstLinDecompOp_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstLinDecompOp-class | A class to represent a constant (=nonautonomous,linear)... |
ConstLinDecompOp-matrix-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | Constructor of object of ConstLinDecompOp class |
ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-class | A class to represent a constant (=nonautonomous,linear)... |
cycling | Cycling analysis of compartmental matrices |
DecompOp-class | S4-class to represent compartmental operators |
DecompositionOperator-class | automatic title |
Delta14C | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
Delta14C-BoundFc-method | automatic title |
Delta14C-ConstFc-method | automatic title |
Delta14C_from_AbsoluteFractionModern | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
Delta14C_from_AbsoluteFractionModern-matrix-method | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
Delta14C_from_AbsoluteFractionModern-numeric-method | Conversion of radiocarbon values |
deSolve.lsoda.wrapper | deSolve.lsoda.wrapper |
eCO2 | Soil CO2 efflux from an incubation experiment |
entropyRatePerJump | Entropy rate per jump |
entropyRatePerTime | Entropy rate per time |
euler | euler |
example.2DBoundInFluxesFromFunction | example.2DBoundInFluxesFromFunction |
example.2DBoundLinDecompOpFromFunction | example.2DBoundLinDecompOpFromFunction |
example.2DConstFc.Args | example.2DConstFc.Args |
example.2DConstInFluxesFromVector | 2D example for constant Influx |
example.2DGeneralDecompOpArgs | example.2DGeneralDecompOpArgs |
example.2DInFluxes.Args | example.2DInFluxes.Args |
example.2DUnBoundLinDecompOpFromFunction | example.2DUnBoundLinDecompOpFromFunction |
example.ConstlinDecompOpFromMatrix | example.ConstlinDecompOpFromMatrix |
example.nestedTime2DMatrixList | create an example nested list that can be |
example.Time2DArrayList | create an example TimeMap from 2D array |
example.Time3DArrayList | create an example TimeFrame from 3D array |
example.TimeMapFromArray | create an example TimeFrame from 3D array |
FcAtm.from.Dataframe | FcAtm.from.Dataframe |
Fc-class | automatic title |
from_integer_flux_lists_with_defaults | helper function |
fT.Arrhenius | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the... |
fT.Century1 | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the... |
fT.Century2 | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the... |
fT.Daycent1 | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to... |
fT.Daycent2 | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to... |
fT.Demeter | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to... |
fT.KB | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a... |
fT.LandT | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a... |
fT.linear | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a... |
fT.Q10 | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a... |
fT.RothC | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to... |
fT.Standcarb | Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to... |
fW.Candy | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Century | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Daycent1 | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Daycent2 | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Demeter | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Gompertz | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Moyano | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.RothC | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Skopp | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
fW.Standcarb | Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the... |
GaudinskiModel14 | Implementation of a the six-pool C14 model proposed by... |
GeneralDecompOp | A generic factory for subclasses of GeneralDecompOp |
GeneralDecompOp-DecompOp-method | Pass through factory for objects of subclasses of DecompOp |
GeneralDecompOp-function-method | automatic title |
GeneralDecompOp-list-method | automatic title |
GeneralDecompOp-matrix-method | automatic title |
GeneralDecompOp-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
GeneralModel | additional function to create Models |
GeneralModel_14 | create objects of class Model_14 |
GeneralNlModel | Use this function to create objects of class NlModel. |
GeneralPoolId | General pool Id |
GeneralPoolId-character-method | automatic title |
GeneralPoolId-numeric-method | generic factory for this virtual class |
getAccumulatedRelease | Accumulated release flux out of the pools |
getAccumulatedRelease-Model-method | Compute the time integral of the relaese fluxes over time |
getC | Calculates the content of the pools |
getC14 | Generic that yields the 14C content for all pools and all... |
getC14-Model_14-method | automatic title |
getC-Model_by_PoolNames-method | Pool Contents for all times |
getC-Model-method | Pool Contents for all times |
getC-NlModel-method | Pool Contents for all times |
getCompartmentalMatrixFunc | Compartmental matrix function |
getCompartmentalMatrixFunc-BoundLinDecompOp-method | automatic title |
getCompartmentalMatrixFunc-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Compartmental matrix function |
getCompartmentalMatrixFunc-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getCompartmentalMatrixFunc-UnBoundNonLinDecompOp-method | Extract the matrix valued function of time and state vector... |
getConstantCompartmentalMatrix | Constant compartmental matrix |
getConstantCompartmentalMatrix-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Constant compartmental matrix |
getConstantCompartmentalMatrix-ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-method | automatic title |
getConstantInFluxVector | Input flux vector |
getConstantInFluxVector-ConstInFluxes-method | automatic title |
getConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex | Constant internal flux rate list by pool index |
getConstantInternalFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Constant internal flux rate list by pool index |
getConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex | Constant out flux rate list by pool index |
getConstantOutFluxRateList_by_PoolIndex-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Constant out flux rate list by pool index |
getConstLinDecompOp | Constant linear decomposition operator |
getConstLinDecompOp-ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-method | automatic title |
getCumulativeC | Cummulative pool contents |
getCumulativeC-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getDecompOp | Decomposition operator of a model |
getDecompOp-Model-method | Extract the Compartmental Operator |
getDecompOp-NlModel-method | Extract the Compartmental Operator |
getDotOut | Dot out |
getDotOut-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getF14 | Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the content all... |
getF14C | Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the cumulative... |
getF14C-Model_14-method | automatic title |
getF14-Model_14-method | automatic title |
getF14R | Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the release flux of... |
getF14R-Model_14-method | automatic title |
getFormat | Get format of SoilR object |
getFormat-Fc-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition | Function definition of SoilR model |
getFunctionDefinition-ConstInFluxes-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Function describing an object of class ConstLinDecompOp |
getFunctionDefinition-ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-method | convert names of vectors or lists to class... |
getFunctionDefinition-DecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-InFluxList_by_PoolIndex-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-InFluxList_by_PoolName-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-StateDependentInFluxVector-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-UnBoundInFluxes-method | automatic title |
getFunctionDefinition-UnBoundLinDecompOp-method | Extracts the time dependent matrix valued function... |
getInFluxes | Extract the influxes |
getInFluxes-Model-method | Extract the InFluxes as provided during creation of the model |
getInFluxes-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getInitialValues | Initial values of SoilR object |
getInitialValues-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getLinearScaleFactor | Linear scale factor |
getLinearScaleFactor-ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-method | automatic title |
getMeanTransitTime | Mean transit time for SoilR objects |
getMeanTransitTime-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Mean transit time obtained through a numerical simulation. It... |
getNumberOfPools | Number of pools in a model |
getNumberOfPools-MCSim-method | automatic title |
getNumberOfPools-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getNumberOfPools-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getOutputFluxes | Generic Function to obtain the fluxes out of of the pools |
getOutputFluxes-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getOutputReceivers | Pools receiving outputs from other pools |
getOutputReceivers-TransportDecompositionOperator-numeric-method | automatic title |
getParticleMonteCarloSimulator | automatic title |
getParticleMonteCarloSimulator-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getReleaseFlux | Generic Function to obtain the vector of release fluxes out... |
getReleaseFlux14 | Generic that yields the 14C fraction in the release flux |
getReleaseFlux14-Model_14-method | automatic title |
getReleaseFlux-Model_by_PoolNames-method | automatic title |
getReleaseFlux-Model-method | The release fluxes [content]/[time] for all pools. |
getReleaseFlux-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getRightHandSideOfODE | Right hand side of ODE of a SoilR model |
getRightHandSideOfODE-Model_by_PoolNames-method | Provide the (vector valued) derivative of the stocks with... |
getRightHandSideOfODE-Model-method | Derivative of the state variables as function |
getSolution | Calculates all stocks all fluxes to ,in and out of the... |
getSolution-Model_by_PoolNames-method | All Fluxes and stocks for all times |
getTimeRange | Time range of a model simulation |
getTimeRange-ConstInFluxes-method | automatic title |
getTimeRange-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Time range of a simulation described in an object of class... |
getTimeRange-ConstLinDecompOpWithLinearScalarFactor-method | automatic title |
getTimeRange-DecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getTimeRange-TimeMap-method | The time interval where the function is defined |
getTimeRange-UnBoundInFluxes-method | automatic title |
getTimeRange-UnBoundLinDecompOp-method | Extracts the time interval for which the function is valid. |
getTimes | Time vector of SoilR object |
getTimes-Model_by_PoolNames-method | Extract the times vector |
getTimes-Model-method | Extract the times vector |
getTimes-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getTransferCoefficients | Transfer coefficients |
getTransferCoefficients-NlModel-method | automatic title |
getTransferCoefficients-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getTransferMatrix | deprecated, use getTransferMatrixFunc instead |
getTransferMatrixFunc | Transfer matrix function |
getTransferMatrixFunc-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
getTransitTimeDistributionDensity | Transit time distribution for SoilR objects |
getTransitTimeDistributionDensity-ConstLinDecompOp-method | Transit time distribution obtained through a numerical... |
getValues | Get values of SoilR object |
getValues-ConstFc-method | automatic title |
Graven2017 | Compiled records of radicarbon in atmospheric CO2 for... |
HarvardForest14CO2 | Delta14C in soil CO2 efflux from Harvard Forest |
Hua2013 | Atmospheric radiocarbon for the period 1950-2010 from Hua et... |
Hua2021 | Atmospheric radiocarbon for the period 1950-2019 from Hua et... |
ICBMModel | Implementation of the Introductory Carbon Balance Model... |
ICBM_N | Implementation of the ICBM/N model |
incubation_experiment | Soil CO2 efflux from an incubation experiment, along with the... |
InFlux | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InFlux_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InFlux_by_PoolIndex-class | S4 class for the influx to a single pool identified by the... |
InFlux_by_PoolIndex-function-numeric-method | Constructor from an ordered pair of PoolIndex (integer like)... |
InFlux_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for an influx to a single pool from an... |
InFlux_by_PoolName-class | S4 class for the influx to a single pool identified by the... |
InFlux_by_PoolName-function-character-method | Constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName (string like)... |
InFluxes | A generic factory for subclasses of InFluxes |
InFluxes-class | A virtual S4-class representing (different subclasses) of... |
InFluxes-ConstantInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-function-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-InFluxes-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-list-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-numeric-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-StateIndependentInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-method | automatic title |
InFluxes-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
InFluxList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InFluxList_by_PoolIndex-class | Describes a list of flux rates. |
InFluxList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list after checking the elements |
InFluxList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InFluxList_by_PoolName-class | Class for a list of influxes indexed by the names of the... |
InFluxList_by_PoolName-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
initialize-ConstLinDecompOp-method | automatic title |
initialize-DecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
initialize-MCSim-method | automatic title |
initialize-Model_14-method | Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this... |
initialize-Model_by_PoolNames-method | automatic title |
initialize-Model-method | Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this... |
initialize-NlModel-method | automatic title |
initialize-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
initialize-TransportDecompositionOperator-method | automatic title |
initialize-UnBoundInFluxes-method | automatic title |
initialize-UnBoundLinDecompOp-method | automatic title |
IntCal09 | Northern Hemisphere atmospheric radiocarbon for the pre-bomb... |
IntCal13 | Atmospheric radiocarbon for the 0-50,000 yr BP period |
IntCal20 | The IntCal20 northern hemisphere radiocarbon curve for the... |
InternalFlux_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InternalFlux_by_PoolIndex-class | S4-class for a single internal flux with source and... |
InternalFlux_by_PoolIndex-function-numeric-numeric-missing-method | constructor from an ordered pair of PoolIndex (integer like)... |
InternalFlux_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InternalFlux_by_PoolName-class | S4-class for a single internal flux with source and... |
InternalFlux_by_PoolName-function-character-character-missing-method | constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName (string like)... |
InternalFlux_by_PoolName-function-missing-missing-character-method | automatic title |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolIndex-class | S4-class for a list of internal fluxes with source and... |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | Constructor from a normal list after checking the elements |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolName-class | S4-class for a list of internal fluxes with indexed by... |
InternalFluxList_by_PoolName-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
linearScalarModel | Implementation of a general model for linear non-autonomous... |
linesCPool | Add lines with the output of 'getC14', 'getC', or... |
listProduct | tensor product of lists |
MCSim-class | Experimental Class for a Monte Carlo Simulation of particles... |
Model | Constructor for class Model |
Model_14 | general constructor for class Model_14 |
Model_14-class | S4-class to represent a 14C model run |
Model_by_PoolNames | Constructor for 'Model_by_PoolNames' |
Model_by_PoolNames-class | A model run based on flux functions |
Model-class | S4 class representing a model run |
NlModel-class | deprecated class for a non-linear model run. |
no_outflux_warning | alternative Constructor with pool names helper function |
OnepModel | Implementation of a one pool model |
OnepModel14 | Implementation of a one-pool C14 model |
OutFlux | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
OutFlux_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
OutFlux_by_PoolIndex-class | S4 class for a single out-flux with source pool index |
OutFlux_by_PoolIndex-function-numeric-method | constructor from a PoolIndex (integer like) objects and a... |
OutFlux_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
OutFlux_by_PoolName-class | S4 class for a single out-flux with source pool name |
OutFlux_by_PoolName-function-character-method | constructor from a PoolName (integer like) object and a... |
OutFluxList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
OutFluxList_by_PoolIndex-class | A list of outfluxes |
OutFluxList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
OutFluxList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
OutFluxList_by_PoolName-class | S4 class for a list of out-fluxes indexed by source pool name |
OutFluxList_by_PoolName-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
ParallelModel | models for unconnected pools |
pathEntropy | Path Entropy |
plotC14Pool | Plots the output of 'getF14' for each pool over time |
plotCPool | Plots the output of 'getC' or 'getReleaseFlux' for each pool... |
plot-MCSim-method | automatic title |
plot-Model_by_PoolNames-method | Plot the graph of pool connections |
plot-Model-method | Create an overview plot |
plot-NlModel-method | automatic title |
plotPoolGraph | Generic plotter |
plotPoolGraphFromTupleLists | Helper function to draw connectivity graphs |
plotPoolGraph-SymbolicModel_by_PoolNames-method | Plot the graph of pool connections |
plot-TimeMap-method | automatic title |
PoolConnection_by_PoolIndex | Pool connection by pool index |
PoolConnection_by_PoolIndex-ANY-ANY-missing-method | constructor from an ordered pair of PoolId objects |
PoolConnection_by_PoolIndex-class | Objects that have a source and a destination described by... |
PoolConnection_by_PoolIndex-missing-missing-character-method | constructor from strings of the form '1_to_2' |
PoolConnection_by_PoolName | Pool connection by pool name |
PoolConnection_by_PoolName-ANY-ANY-missing-method | constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName objects |
PoolConnection_by_PoolName-class | Objects that have a source and a destination determined by a... |
PoolId-class | common class for pool ids |
PoolIndex | Pool index |
PoolIndex-character-method | construct from number string like '1' or '3' |
PoolIndex-class | S4 class for pool indices |
PoolIndex-numeric-method | construct from number |
PoolIndex-PoolIndex-method | pass through constructor fron an object of the same class |
PoolIndex-PoolName-method | convert to number like object |
PoolName | Pool name |
PoolName-character-method | construct from string with checks |
PoolName-class | class for pool-name-strings |
PoolName-PoolIndex-method | convert to string like object |
PoolName-PoolName-method | pass through constructor fron an object of the same class |
predefinedModels | PREDEFINED MODELS |
print-NlModel-method | automatic title |
RespirationCoefficients | helper function to compute respiration coefficients |
RothCModel | Implementation of the RothCModel |
ScalarTimeMap | Constructor for 'ScalarTimeMap-class' |
ScalarTimeMap-class | S4 class for a scalar time dependent function on a finite... |
ScalarTimeMap-data.frame-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | constructor for data given as 2 column data.frame |
ScalarTimeMap-function-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | manual constructor for just a function |
ScalarTimeMap-function-numeric-numeric-missing-missing-method | manual constructor for a function and an interval |
ScalarTimeMap-missing-missing-missing-missing-numeric-method | special case for a time map from a constant |
ScalarTimeMap-missing-missing-missing-numeric-numeric-method | constructor for data and times given as vectors |
SeriesLinearModel | General m-pool linear model with series structure |
SeriesLinearModel14 | General m-pool linear C14 model with series structure |
SHCal20 | The SHCal20 southern hemisphere radiocarbon curve for the... |
show-NlModel-method | automatic title |
SoilR.F0.new | deprecated function that used to create an object of class... |
SoilR-package | SoilR |
StateDependentInFluxVector-class | Input vector that is a function of the pool contenst and time |
StateIndependentInFlux_by_PoolIndex-class | Constructor for the class with the same name |
StateIndependentInFluxList_by_PoolIndex | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
StateIndependentInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-class | Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements... |
StateIndependentInFluxList_by_PoolIndex-list-method | constructor from a normal list |
StateIndependentInFluxList_by_PoolName | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
state_variable_names | determine the minimum set of statevariables |
sub-Model-character-missing-missing-method | Experimentally overloaded index operator |
sub-NlModel-character-ANY-ANY-method | automatic title |
sub-sub-MCSim-method | automatic title |
sub-subset-MCSim-method | automatic title |
SymbolicModel_by_PoolNames-class | A symbolic model description based on flux functions |
systemAge | System and pool age for constant compartment models |
ThreepairMMmodel | Implementation of a 6-pool Michaelis-Menten model |
ThreepFeedbackModel | Implementation of a three pool model with feedback structure |
ThreepFeedbackModel14 | Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with feedback... |
ThreepParallelModel | Implementation of a three pool model with parallel structure |
ThreepParallelModel14 | Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with parallel... |
ThreepSeriesModel | Implementation of a three pool model with series structure |
ThreepSeriesModel14 | Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with series... |
TimeMap | Constructor for 'TimeMap-class' |
TimeMap-class | S4 class for a time dependent function |
TimeMap-data.frame-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | automatic title |
TimeMap.from.Dataframe | TimeMap.from.Dataframe |
TimeMap-function-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | manual constructor for just a function |
TimeMap-function-numeric-numeric-missing-missing-method | manual constructor for a function and an interval |
TimeMap-list-missing-missing-missing-missing-method | automatic title |
TimeMap-missing-missing-missing-numeric-array-method | automatic title |
TimeMap-missing-missing-missing-numeric-list-method | automatic title |
TimeMap-missing-missing-missing-numeric-matrix-method | automatic title |
TimeMap-missing-missing-missing-numeric-numeric-method | automatic title |
TimeMap.new | deprecated constructor of the class TimeMap. |
TimeMap-TimeMap-ANY-ANY-ANY-ANY-method | automatic title |
TimeRangeIntersection | The time interval where both functions are defined |
transitTime | Transit times for compartment models |
TransportDecompositionOperator-class | automatic title |
turnoverFit | Estimation of the turnover time from a radiocarbon sample. |
TwopFeedbackModel | Implementation of a two pool model with feedback structure |
TwopFeedbackModel14 | Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with feedback... |
TwopMMmodel | Implementation of a two-pool Michaelis-Menten model |
TwopParallelModel | Implementation of a linear two pool model with parallel... |
TwopParallelModel14 | Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with parallel... |
TwopSeriesModel | Implementation of a two pool model with series structure |
TwopSeriesModel14 | Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with series structure |
UnBoundInFluxes | Unbound input fluxes |
UnBoundInFluxes-class | automatic title |
UnBoundInFluxes-function-method | automatic title |
UnBoundLinDecompOp | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
UnBoundLinDecompOp-class | An S4 class to represent a linear nonautonomous compartmental... |
UnBoundLinDecompOp-function-method | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp_by_PoolNames | Generic constructor for the class with the same name |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp_by_PoolNames-class | An S4 class to represent the of nonlinear nonautonomous... |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp-class | An S4 class to represent a nonlinear nonautonomous... |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp-function-missing-missing-missing-method | Constructor for the class with the same name |
UnBoundNonLinDecompOp-missing-vector-vector-numeric-method | Constructor for the class with the same name |
Yasso07Model | Implementation of the Yasso07 model |
YassoModel | Implementation of the Yasso model. |
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