Man pages for Sojourn
Apply Sojourn Methods for Processing ActiGraph Accelerometer Data

acf.lag1Compute lag-one autocorrelation
acf.lag1.altAlternate lag-1 autocorrelation function
AG_zero_crossZero crossings for ActiGraph data
AG_zero_propCalculate proportion of zeroes in a data stream
apply_youth_sojournApply the youth Sojourn method
combine_sojournsCombine short Sojourns
compute.bouts.infoSummarize outcomes from data processed using the Sojourn...
enhance_actigraphCombine ActiGraph and activPAL data
example_dataSample data for exploring original and youth Sojourn methods
find.transitionsFind transitions
get_youth_sojournsLabel Sojourns in a data stream according to the...
input_demographicInteractively input demographic information
messagerFunction for tidy assembly of text for printing in the...
prep.nnetinputsShape data for input into the neural networks
prep_nnet_soj3x_originalPrepare ActiGraph data for entry into the Sojourn neural...
read_APRead an activPAL events file
replace.naPerform mean imputation
SIP_agActiGraph sample data for exploring Sojourns Including...
SIP_apactivPAL sample data for exploring Sojourns Including Posture...
SIP_frame_testCheck the formatting of a data frame for use in the SIP...
soj_1x_originalInvoke the original uni-axial Sojourn method
soj_3x_originalInvoke the original triaxial Sojourn method
SojournSojourn: Apply Sojourn Methods for Processing ActiGraph...
sojourn_3x_SIPTriaxial Sojourn method for the SIP method
youth_name_testCheck monitor data for required demographic variables
youth_network_shapeFormat data for input into the youth Sojourn method's neural...
youth_sojourn_treeDecision tree for making final predictions in the youth...
Sojourn documentation built on May 8, 2021, 1:06 a.m.