Man pages for SolveSAPHE
Solver Suite for Alkalinity-PH Equations

ACVT_HSWS_O_HFREEConversion ratio H_SWS/H_free from free pH-scale to SWS scale
ACVT_HTOT_O_HFREEConversion ratio H_Tot/H_free from free pH-scale to Total...
AK_AMMO_1_YAMI95Dissociation constant of ammonium in sea-water [mol/kg-SW]
AK_BORA_DICK90Boric acid dissociation constant KB in mol/kg-SW
AK_CARB_0_WEIS74Henry's constant K0 in (mol/kg-SW)/atmosphere
AK_CARB_1_LUEK00First dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW...
AK_CARB_1_MILL95First dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW...
AK_CARB_1_ROYE93First dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW,...
AK_CARB_2_LUEK00Second dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW...
AK_CARB_2_MILL95Second dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW...
AK_CARB_2_ROYE93Second dissociation constant of carbonic acid in mol/kg-SW...
AK_H2S_1_MILL95Dissociation constant of hydrogen sulfide in sea-water
AK_HF_PEFR87Dissociation constant of hydrogen fluoride in sea-water...
AK_HSO4_DICK90Dissociation constant of hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate) in...
AK_PHOS_1_MILL95First dissociation constant of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in...
AK_PHOS_2_MILL95Second dissociation constant of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in...
AK_PHOS_3_MILL95Third dissociation constant of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in...
AK_SILI_1_MILL95First dissociation constant of sillicic acid (H4SiO4) in...
AK_W_MILL95Water dissociation constant Kw in (mol/kg-SW)^2
solve_pH_from_ATSolver for the total alkalinity-pH equations
SolveSAPHE documentation built on May 2, 2021, 1:05 a.m.