
Defines functions auc_cpp aucdiff_cpp dresscrps_cpp enscrps_cpp

Documented in auc_cpp aucdiff_cpp dresscrps_cpp enscrps_cpp

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#' Calculate AUC and its sampling standard deviation (Internal C++ implementation)
#' @param fcst numeric vector of forecasts (NAs are not allowed)
#' @param obs vector of binary observations (obs[t] evaluates to TRUE if event happens at instance t, to FALSE otherwise) 
#' @return AUC and its sampling standard deviation
#' @seealso Auc AucDiff
#' @export
auc_cpp <- function(fcst, obs) {
    .Call(`_SpecsVerification_auc_cpp`, fcst, obs)

#' Calculate AUC difference `AUC(fcst,obs) - AUC(fcst_ref, obs)` of two forecasts for the same observations, and the sampling standard deviation of the AUC difference (Internal C++ implementation)
#' @param fcst numeric vector of forecasts (NAs are not allowed)
#' @param fcst_ref numeric vector of reference forecasts (NAs are not allowed)
#' @param obs vector of binary observations (obs[t] evaluates to TRUE if event happens at instance t, to FALSE otherwise) 
#' @return AUC values, their sampling standard deviations, the AUC difference, and their sampling standard deviations
#' @seealso Auc AucDiff
#' @export
aucdiff_cpp <- function(fcst, fcst_ref, obs) {
    .Call(`_SpecsVerification_aucdiff_cpp`, fcst, fcst_ref, obs)

#' Dress CRPS
#' @param m vector of kernel means
#' @param s vector of kernel standard deviations
#' @param y observation 
#' @return crps
#' @export
dresscrps_cpp <- function(m, s, y) {
    .Call(`_SpecsVerification_dresscrps_cpp`, m, s, y)

#' CRPS for ensemble forecasts (C++ implementation)
#' @param ens Ensemble members as columns of a matrix
#' @param obs The verifying observations
#' @param R_new Size for ensemble adjustment
#' @return vector of crps values
#' @export
enscrps_cpp <- function(ens, obs, R_new) {
    .Call(`_SpecsVerification_enscrps_cpp`, ens, obs, R_new)

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SpecsVerification documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:55 p.m.