rol.returns: Two-days Rolling Average Returns

rol.returnsR Documentation

Two-days Rolling Average Returns


A dataset of class zoo consisting of 1632 two-days rolling average observations on returns based on closed price for six leading stock indices: S&P 500 (US), FTSE 100 (UK), EURO STOXX 50 (Eurozone), BOVESPA (Brazil), NIKKEI 225 (Japan) and S&P ASX 200 (Australia). EURO STOXX 50 covers 50 stocks from 12 Eurozone countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The period for this dataset is from June 16, 2003 to September 15, 2009. All series are in US Dollars.


a zoo-class dataset


head(rol.returns)  # First 6 observations
tail(rol.returns)  # Last 6 observations

Spillover documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:25 p.m.