Man pages for SteppedPower
Power Calculation for Stepped Wedge Designs

alpha012_to_RandEffCorrelation structure: transform alpha to random effects
compute_glsPowerCompute power via weighted least squares
compute_InfoContentTitle Formula-based calculation of information content
construct_CovBlkConstruct a Single Block of the Covariance Matrix
construct_CovMatConstruct a Covariance Matrix
construct_CovSubMatConstruct a Block of the Covariance Matrix
construct_DesMatConstruct the Design Matrix
construct_incompMatConstructs a matrix of 'NA' and '1' for unobserved and...
construct_timeAdjustConstruct the time period adjustment in the design matrix
construct_trtMatConstruct Treatment Matrix
glsPowerCompute power via weighted least squares
plot_CellWeightsplot cell contributions (weights) of a gls object
plot_CovMatVisualise a Covariance Matrix
plot.glsPowerplot an object of class 'glsPower'
plot_InfoContentplot the information content of a gls object
print.glsPowerPrint an object of class 'glsPower'
RandEff_to_alpha012Correlation structure: transform random effects to alpha
tTestPwrCompute Power of a Wald Test
VarClosed_KaszaClosed formula for treatment variance in open cohort settings
VarClosed_LiClosed formula for treatment variance, with proportional...
SteppedPower documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 1:07 a.m.