Man pages for SurvRegCensCov
Weibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censored Covariate

CDFCumulative distribution function
censorContVarCensor a vector of continuous numbers
coef.srcExtract coefficients of Weibull regression with an...
ConvertWeibullTransformation of survreg output for the Weibull distribution
larynxSurvival Times of Larynx Cancer Patients
LoglikCensLog-likelihood functions for estimation of canonical...
LoglikNormalDeltaCensLog likelihood function to compute mean difference between...
logLik.srcExtract value of log-likelihood at maximum for Weibull...
LoglikWeibullSurvRegCensLog-likelihood function of a Weibull Survival Regression...
NormalMeanDiffCensMaximum Likelihood Estimator for the mean difference between...
ParamSampleCensMaximum Likelihood Estimator of parameters from a censored...
print.srcPrint result of Weibull regression with an interval-censored...
summary.srcSummarizing Weibull regression with an interval-censored...
SurvRegCensWeibull Survival Regression Model with a censored covariate
SurvRegCensCov-packageWeibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with...
TimeSampleWeibullGenerate time-to-event data according to a Weibull regression...
WeibullDiagDiagnostic Plot of Adequacy of Weibull Distribution
WeibullIntegrateFunction to be integrated in function 'SurvRegCens'
WeibullRegWeibull Regression for Survival Data
SurvRegCensCov documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:09 p.m.