Man pages for SyScSelection
Systematic Scenario Selection for Stress Testing

baseb_expansionAdds the next base-b element to an existing base-b sequence
calc_mesh_sizeCalculates the number of points in a mesh of fineness phi,...
center_at_originCreates a new ellipsoid object equivalent to the given...
fill_adj_2DfaceCreates a phi x phi grid (i.e., the mesh on a single...
fill_adj_2Dface_betaCalculates the factor, beta in [0, 1], that interpolates the...
fill_cornersSystematically fills a given mesh array (cmesh) with...
getGet hyperellipsoid property from the specified object and...
hypercube_meshGenerates a Cartesian mesh of d-dimensional scenarios based...
hyperellipsoidHyperellipsoid class constructor
make_cornersFills a mesh (corn_mesh) with d-dimensional points...
make_edgesFills a mesh with d-dimensional points representing all...
make_ellipsoid_from_verticesConstructs a new d-dimensional ellipsoid with the given...
make_facesFills a mesh with d-dimensional points representing all...
new_baseb_expansionCreates a new base-b sequence of a designated length
rotate_to_coordaxesRotates the ellipsoid (hellip) so its principal axes align...
sizeparam_normal_distnCalculates the size paramater for a d-dimensional...
sizeparam_t_distnCalculates the size paramater for a d-dimensional...
spheroid_meshGenerates a Cartesian mesh of d-dimensional scenarios based...
stretch_to_unitspheroidStretches the ellipsoid (hellip) to the unit spheroid of the...
transform_ellipsoidApplies the given linear transformation, tfm, to the given...
univariate_shocksCalculates 2d d-dimensional univariate shocks (up and down in...
verticesFinds the d d-dimensional positive vertices for the given...
SyScSelection documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 5:08 p.m.