synsq_cwt_fw: Synchrosqueezing Transform

View source: R/sst.R

synsq_cwt_fwR Documentation

Synchrosqueezing Transform


This function calculates the synchrosqueezing transform.

This code is translated from MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox, version 1.1 developed by Eugene Brevdo (


synsq_cwt_fw(tt, x, nv=16, opt=NULL) 



vector of times samples are taken (e.g. seq(0, 1,length=2))


vector of signal samples (e.g. x = cos(20*pi*tt))


number of voices (default: 16, recommended: 32 or 64)


list of options. opt.type: type of wavelet (see wfiltfn), opt$s, opt$mu, etc (wavelet parameters: see opt from wfiltfn), opt.disp: display debug information?, opt.gamma: wavelet hard thresholding value (see cwt_freq_direct, default: sqrt(machine epsilon)) opt.dtype: direct or numerical differentiation (default: 1, uses direct). if dtype=0, uses differentiation algorithm instead (see cwt_freq), which is faster and uses less memory, but may be less accurate.


This function calculates the synchrosqueezing transform of vector x, with samples taken at times given in vector tt. Uses nv voices. opt is a struct of options for the way synchrosqueezing is done, the type of wavelet used, and the wavelet parameters. This implements the algorithm described in Sec. III of [1].

Note that Wx itself is not thresholded by opt$gamma. The instantaneoues frequency w is calculated using Wx by cwt_freq_direct and cwt_freq. After the calculation, instantaneoues frequency w is treated as NA where abs(Wx) < opt$gamma.



synchrosqueezed output of x (columns associated with time tt)


frequencies associated with rows of Tx


wavelet transform of x (see cwt_fw)


scales associated with rows of Wx


instantaneous frequency estimates for each element of Wx (see cwt_freq_direct)


[1] Thakur, G., Brevdo, E., Fuckar, N. S. and Wu, H-T. (2013) The Synchrosqueezing algorithm for time-varying spectral analysis: Robustness properties and new paleoclimate applications. Signal Processing, 93, 1079–1094.

See Also

cwt_fw, est_riskshrink_thresh, wfiltfn.


tt <- seq(0, 10, , 1024)
nv <- 32
f0 <- (1+0.6*cos(2*tt))*cos(4*pi*tt+1.2*tt^2)
sigma <- 0.5
f <- f0 + sigma*rnorm(length(tt))

# Continuous wavelet transform
opt <- list(type = "bump")
cwtfit <- cwt_fw(f, opt$type, nv, tt[2]-tt[1], opt)

# Hard thresholing
thresh <- est_riskshrink_thresh(cwtfit$Wx, nv)
cwtfit$Wx[which(abs(cwtfit$Wx) < thresh)] <- 0.0

# Reconstruction
opt$gamma <- thresh
#[1] 0.0593984
#opt$gamma <- 10^-5
cwtrec <- cwt_iw(cwtfit$Wx, opt$type, opt)

plot(tt, f, type="p", lty=2, xlab="time", ylab="f", col="red", cex=0.1)
lines(tt, f0, col="blue")
lines(tt, cwtrec)

# Synchrosqueezed wavelet transform
sstfit <- synsq_cwt_fw(tt, f, nv, opt)

#plot(tt, f, type="p", lty=2, xlab="time", ylab="f", col="red", cex=0.1)
#lines(tt, f0, col="blue")

#image.plot(list(x=tt, y=sstfit$asc, z=t(abs(sstfit$Wx))), log="y", 
#    xlab="Time", ylab="Scale", main="Time-Scale Representation by CWT",  
#    col=designer.colors(64, c("azure", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue")), ylim=rev(range(sstfit$asc)))
#image.plot(list(x=tt, y=sstfit$fs, z=t(abs(sstfit$Tx))), log="y", 
#    xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Time-Frequency Representation by SST", 
#    col=designer.colors(64, c("azure", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue")), ylim=c(0.5, 25))
#image.plot(list(x=tt, y=sstfit$asc, z=t(sstfit$w)), log="y", 
#    xlab="Time", ylab="Scale", main="Instantaneous Frequency",  
#    col=designer.colors(64, c("azure", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue")), ylim=rev(range(sstfit$asc)))

SynchWave documentation built on May 7, 2022, 5:05 p.m.