Man pages for TAR
Bayesian Modeling of Autoregressive Threshold Time Series Models

ARorder.lognormIdentify the autoregressive orders for a log-normal TAR model...
ARorder.normIdentify the autoregressive orders for a Gaussian TAR model...
LS.lognormEstimate a log-normal TAR model using Least Square method...
LS.normEstimate a Gaussian TAR model using Least Square method given...
Param.lognormEstimate a TAR model using Gibbs Sampler given the structural...
Param.normEstimate a Gaussian TAR model using Gibbs Sampler given the...
reg.thr.lognormIdentify the number of regimes and the corresponding...
reg.thr.normIdentify the number of regimes and the corresponding...
simu.tar.lognormSimulate a series from a log-normal TAR model with Gaussian...
simu.tar.normSimulate a series from a TAR model with Gaussian distributed...
TAR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:40 a.m.