
#' 2-dimensional point cloud of a unit circle
#' A dataset containing the Cartesian coordinates of 100 points uniformly distributed
#' on the circumference of a unit circle.
#' @format A matrix with 100 rows and 2 columns: the x- and y-coordinates
#' @source \url{https://github.com/rrrlw/TDAstats/blob/master/data-raw/circle2d.R}

#' 2-dimensional point cloud of a unit square
#' A dataset containing the Cartesian coordinates of 100 points uniformly distributed
#' within a unit square.
#' @format A matrix with 100 rows and 2 columns: the x- and y-coordinates
#' @source \url{https://github.com/rrrlw/TDAstats/blob/master/data-raw/unif2d.R}

#' 3-dimensional point cloud of a unit cube
#' A dataset containing the Cartesian coordinates of 100 points uniformly distributed
#' within a unit cube.
#' @format A matrix with 100 rows and 3 columns: the x-, y-, and z-coordinates
#' @source \url{https://github.com/rrrlw/TDAstats/blob/master/data-raw/unif3d.R}

#' 3-dimensional point cloud of a unit sphere
#' A dataset containing the Cartesian coordinates of 100 points uniformly distributed
#' on the surface of a unit sphere.
#' @format A matrix with 100 rows and 3 columns: the x-, y-, and z-coordinates
#' @source \url{https://github.com/rrrlw/TDAstats/blob/master/data-raw/sphere3d.R}

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TDAstats documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:36 a.m.