Man pages for TMTI
'Too Many, Too Improbable' (TMTI) Test Procedures

adjust_LocalTestAdjust all p-values using a Closed Testing Procedure and a...
adjust_TMTIAdjust all p-values using a Closed Testing Procedeure and the...
CTP_LocalTestA Closed Testing Procedure for any local test satisfying the...
CTP_TMTIA Closed Testing Procedure for the TMTI using an O(n^2)...
FullCTP_CLeading NA
FWER_set_CLeading NA
gamma_bootstrapperFunction to bootstrap the Cumulative Distribution Functions...
gamma_bootstrapper_TtestCompute a list of TMTI CDFs for one- and two-sample test...
kFWER_LocalTestkFWER_LocalTest. Computes the largest rejection set possible...
kFWER_set_CLeading NA
kFWER_TMTIkFWER_TMTI. Computes the largest rejection set possible with...
MakeY_CLeading NA
MakeZ_CLeading NA
MakeZ_C_nsmallLeading NA
rtTMTI_CDFComputes the analytical version of the rtMTI_infty CDF. When...
TestSet_CLeading NA
TestSet_LocalTestTest a subset of hypotheses in its closure using a...
TestSet_TMTITest a subset of hypotheses in its closure using the TMTI
TMTIComputes the TMTI test for a joint hypothesis given input...
TMTI_CDFComputes the analytical version of the TMTI_infty CDF. When...
TopDown_CLeading NA
TopDown_C_binaryLeading NA
TopDown_C_binary_subsetLeading NA
TopDown_LocalTestTopDown LocalTest algorithm for estimating a 1-alpha...
TopDown_TMTITopDown TMTI algorithm for estimating a 1-alpha confidence...
tTMTI_CDFComputes the analytical version of the tTMTI_infty CDF. When...
TMTI documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 5:06 p.m.