Man pages for TOmicsVis
Transcriptome Visualization Process Scheme

box_plotBox plot support two levels and multiple groups with P value.
chord_plotChord plot for visualizing the relationships of pathways and...
circos_heatmapCircos heatmap plot for visualizing gene expressing in...
corr_heatmapCorrelation Heatmap for samples/groups based on Pearson...
degs_listsPaired comparisons differentially expressed genes (degs)...
degs_statsAll DEGs of paired comparison CT-vs-LT12 stats dataframe.
degs_stats2All DEGs of paired comparison CT-vs-LT12 stats2 dataframe.
dendro_plotDendrograms for multiple samples/groups clustering.
flower_plotFlower plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple...
gene_cluster_trendGene cluster trend plot for visualizing gene expression trend...
gene_expressionAll genes in all samples expression dataframe of RNA-Seq.
gene_expression2Shared DEGs of all paired comparisons in all samples...
gene_expression3Shared DEGs of all paired comparisons in all groups...
gene_go_keggGO and KEGG annotation of background genes.
gene_go_kegg2GO and KEGG annotation of background genes.
gene_rank_plotGene ranking dotplot for visualizing differentailly expressed...
go_enrichGO enrichment analysis based on GO annotation results...
go_enrich_barGO enrichment analysis and bar plot (None/Exist Reference...
go_enrich_dotGO enrichment analysis and dot plot (None/Exist Reference...
go_enrich_netGO enrichment analysis and net plot (None/Exist Reference...
go_enrich_statGO enrichment analysis and stat plot (None/Exist Reference...
heatmap_clusterHeatmap cluster for visualizing clustered gene expression...
heatmap_groupHeatmap group for visualizing grouped gene expression data.
kegg_enrichKEGG enrichment analysis based on KEGG annotation results...
kegg_enrich_barKEGG enrichment analysis and bar plot (None/Exist Reference...
kegg_enrich_dotKEGG enrichment analysis and dot plot (None/Exist Reference...
kegg_enrich_netKEGG enrichment analysis and net plot (None/Exist Reference...
ma_plotMversusA plot for visualizing differentially expressed genes.
network_dataNetwork data from WGCNA tan module top-200 dataframe.
network_plotNetwork plot for analyzing and visualizing relationship of...
pca_analysisPCA dimensional reduction analysis for RNA-Seq.
pca_plotPCA dimensional reduction visualization for RNA-Seq.
quantile_plotQuantile plot for visualizing data distribution.
samples_groupsSamples and groups for gene expression.
survival_dataSurvival data as example data for survival_plot function.
survival_plotSurvival plot for analyzing and visualizing survival data.
table_crossTable cross used to cross search and merge results in two...
table_filterTable filter used to filter row by column condition.
table_mergeTable merge used to merge multiple variables to on variable.
table_splitTable split used for splitting a grouped column to multiple...
tomicsvisTOmicsVis shiny app start function.
traits_sexLength, Width, Weight, and Sex traits dataframe.
trend_plotTrend plot for visualizing gene expression trend profile in...
tsne_analysisTSNE analysis for analyzing and visualizing TSNE algorithm.
tsne_plotTSNE plot for analyzing and visualizing TSNE algorithm.
umap_analysisUMAP analysis for analyzing RNA-Seq data.
umap_plotUMAP plot for analyzing and visualizing UMAP algorithm.
upsetr_plotUpSet plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple...
venn_plotVenn plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple...
violin_plotViolin plot support two levels and multiple groups with P...
volcano_plotVolcano plot for visualizing differentailly expressed genes.
weight_sexWeight and Sex traits dataframe.
wgcna_pipelineWGCNA analysis pipeline for RNA-Seq.
TOmicsVis documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 1:06 a.m.