Man pages for TPmsm
Estimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models method for a survTP object
bladderTPBladder cancer recurrences
colonTPChemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer
contour.TPCmsmcontour method for a TPCmsm object
corrTPCorrelation between two gap times
dgpTPGenerates bivariate survival data
heartTPMore Stanford heart transplant data
image.TPCmsmimage method for a TPCmsm object
lines.TPCmsmlines method for a TPCmsm object
lines.TPmsmlines method for a TPmsm object
plot.TPCmsmplot method for a TPCmsm object
plot.TPmsmplot method for a TPmsm object
setPackageSeedTPSet the initial package seed
setSeedTPSave and restore RNG stream seeds
setThreadsTPSet the number of threads
survTPCreate a survTP object
TPmsmOutConvert a data.frame in the 'TPmsm' format to other formats
TPmsm-packageEstimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models
transAJAalen-Johansen transition probabilities
transIPCWInverse probability censoring weighted transition...
transKMPWPresmoothed Kaplan-Meier weighted transition probabilities
transKMWKaplan-Meier weighted transition probabilities
transLINLIN based transition probabilities
transLSLocation-Scale transition probabilities
transPAJPresmoothed Aalen-Johansen transition probabilities
TPmsm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:43 a.m.