Man pages for TRMF
Temporally Regularized Matrix Factorization

coef.TRMFExtract TRMF Coefficients (Fm)
components.TRMFAccess TRMF factors
create_TRMFCreate a TRMF object
fitted.TRMFExtract TRMF fitted values.
impute_TRMFImpute missing values in a matrix
NormalizeMatrixMatrix Scaling
plot.TRMFPlot Latent Time Series for a TRMF Object
predict.TRMFPredict method for TRMF model fit
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
resid.TRMFExtract TRMF residuals
retrainRetrain TRMF objects.
summary.TRMFSummarize TRMF
train_TRMFTrain a TRMF model
TRMF_arAdd an Auto-Regressive Regularization Model to a TRMF Object.
TRMF_columnsAdd a column regularization model to TRMF object
TRMF_regressionAdd external regressors to TRMF object
TRMF_seasonalAdd seasonal regularization model to a TRMF object
TRMF_simpleAdd L2 regularization model to a TRMF object
TRMF_trendAdd Trend Model to a TRMF Object
TRMF documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:41 a.m.