TSdata-package: Examples of Time Series Database Interface Packages

Description Details Usage See Also


Examples of several "TS*" time series database interface packages and use of multiple package simultaneously.


This package generates vignettes Guide.pdf, GuideAppendix.pdf and GuideDevel.pdf. The last covers work in progress and may be empty or broken. The package contains no functions or data, and exists only to generate the vignettes. These vignettes are available on CRAN, so the package does not need to be installed. Installation can be difficult because of all the other packages that are required.



See Also

TSdbi-package, TSPostgreSQLConnection-class, TSMySQLConnection-class, TSSQLiteConnection-class, TSodbcConnection-class, TSsdmxConnection-class, TSmiscMethods, TScompare, tframe-package, tfplot, zoo, xts-package, get.hist.quote, WriteXLS, DBI-package, RJSDMX-package, PostgreSQLConnection-class, SQLiteConnection-class, RMySQL-package, RODBC-package

TSdata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:48 p.m.