Man pages for TaxicabCA
Taxicab Correspondence Analysis

CombineCollinearRowsColsRemoves rows and columns of zeros and optionnally, row or...
ComputeLambdaL1 norm of a projection
CreateAllBinariesCreate all 2^n n-tuples of ab[1] and ab[2]
JitterPositionMoves points that are close together
ListToObjectsExtract objects from a list
milazzeseCounts of archeological objects
plot.tcaCreates a symmetric plot from a tca-class object
print.tcaPrint result of Taxicab Analysis in easily readable format
RemoveRowsColumns0sAndDuplicatesRemoves rows and columns of zeros and optionnally, row or...
rodentRodent species abundance
saveTCASave tca results to a folder
SearchCrissCrossSearch a taxicab principal component using the criss-cross...
SearchExhaustiveSearch a taxicab principal component via exhaustive search
SearchGeneticAlgoritmSearch a taxicab principal component using the genetic...
summary.tcaSummary of the Taxicab analysis
tcaTaxicab Correspondance analysis
TaxicabCA documentation built on Dec. 11, 2019, 5:07 p.m.