Man pages for TestCor
FWER and FDR Controlling Procedures for Multiple Correlation Tests

ApplyFdrCorApplies multiple testing procedures built to control...
ApplyFwerCorApplies multiple testing procedures controlling...
ApplyFwerCor_oracleApplies an oracle version of MaxTinfty procedure described in...
BHBootCorBenjamini & Hochberg (1995)'s procedure for correlation...
BHCorBenjamini & Hochberg (1995)'s procedure for correlation...
BonferroniCorBonferroni multiple testing procedure for correlations.
BonferroniCor_SDBonferroni multiple testing method for correlations with...
BootRWCorBootstrap multiple testing method of Romano & Wolf (2005) for...
BootRWCor_SDBoootstrap multiple testing method of Romano & Wolf (2005)...
covD2ndReturns the theoretical covariance of empirical correlations.
covDcorReturns the theoretical covariance of empirical correlations.
covDcorNormReturns the theoretical covariance of test statistics for...
eval_statEvaluates the test statistics for tests on correlation matrix...
LCTbootBootstrap procedure LCT-B proposed by Cai & Liu (2016) for...
LCTnormProcedure LCT-N proposed by Cai & Liu (2016) for correlation...
maxTinftyCorMultiple testing method of Drton & Perlman (2007) for...
maxTinftyCor_SDMultiple testing method of Drton & Perlman (2007) for...
SidakCorSidak multiple testing procedure for correlations.
SidakCor_SDSidak multiple testing method for correlations with stepdown...
SimuFdrSimulates Gaussian data with a given correlation matrix and...
SimuFwerSimulates Gaussian data with a given correlation matrix and...
SimuFwer_oracleSimulates Gaussian data with a given correlation matrix and...
TestCor-packageFWER and FDR controlling procedures for multiple correlation...
UncorrectedCorUncorrected testing procedure for correlations.
unvectorizeReturns an upper-triangle matrix, without the diagonal,...
vectorizeReturns a vector containing the upper triangle of a matrix,...
whichCorReturns the indexes of an upper triangular matrix with...
TestCor documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:31 p.m.