TiddlyWikiR-package: TiddlyWikiR: an R package for writing dynamic reports using a...

Description Author(s)


TiddlyWikiR is an R package for writing dynamic reports using TiddlyWiki as a template. The library implements S4 classes to organize and handle statistical results within R, and functions to insert those results into the wiki file.

A quick overview of the functionality of the library can be found in the HTML vignette. You can access to it by typing browseVignettes ("TiddlyWikiR")

Visit https://github.com/dmontaner/TiddlyWikiR for the most updated version of the package.

More documentation on TiddlyWikiR may be found at http://www.dmontaner.com/

More information about TiddlyWiki is available at http://tiddlywiki.comk


David Montaner dmontaner@cipf.es

TiddlyWikiR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:18 a.m.