TileManager 0.4.0

Major update to TileManager! This version is not backwards compatible. View new README file for a tour of the new features.

TileManager 0.3.0

Removed the TileInput, TileApply, TempTiles and removeTempTiles functions. These functions were intended to help incorporate tiling into other packages, but I have concluded that they were poorly thought-out and that it is best to allow users to decide exactly how they want to implement tiling. With that in mind, I would like to make TileScheme the main focus of this package.

TileManager 0.2.0

Added an S3 tileScheme object class with a plot method.

TileManager 0.1.1

Replaced 'paste' with 'file.path' for constructing file paths in the 'TempTiles' and 'removeTempTiles' functions. This will hopefully fix a bug whereby temporary files are left behind on POSIX file systems.

TileManager 0.1.0

Try the TileManager package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TileManager documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 5:09 p.m.