Man pages for TopDom
An Efficient and Deterministic Method for Identifying Topological Domains in Genomes

countsPerRegionCalculates Counts per Region in a TopDomData Object
ggCountHeatmapProduce a Count Heatmap
ggDomainAdd a Topological Domain to a Count Heatmap
ggDomainLabelAdd a Topological Domain Label to a Count Heatmap
legacyEasy Access to the Original TopDom 0.0.1 and 0.0.2...
overlapScoresCalculates Overlap Scores Between Two Sets of Topological...
readHiCReads Hi-C Contact Data from File
stop_if_notAsserts the Truth of R Expressions
subsetByRegionSubset a TopDomData Object by Region
TopDomIdentify Topological Domains from a Hi-C Contact Matrix
TopDom-dataData for the TopDom Package
TopDom documentation built on May 6, 2021, 9:07 a.m.