Man pages for TreePar
Estimating birth and death rates based on phylogenies

addrootaddroot: Adds a root edge ancestral to the first branching...
bd.age.optim.matlabbd.age.optim.matlab: Estimating speciation rate and...
bd.densdep.optimbd.densdep.optim: Estimating maximum likelihood speciation...
bd.shifts.optimbd.shifts.optim: Estimating speciation and extinction rate...
bd.shifts.plotbd.shifts.plot: Plots the diversification rate estimates...
bdsky.stt.optimbdsky.stt.optim: Estimating piecewise constant birth and...
create.matcreate.mat: Generates input for LikAge and...
get.groupsget.groups: Generates input for bd.shifts.optim when...
LikAgeLikAge: Calculates the likelihood of speciation and...
LikConstantLikConstant: Calculates the likelihood of constant birth and...
LikConstantnLikConstantn: Calculates the likelihood of constant birth and...
LikDDLikDD: Calculates the likelihood of speciation and extinction...
LikShiftsLikShifts: Calculates the likelihood of time-dependent birth...
LikShiftsPPLikShiftsPP: Calculates the likelihood of time-dependent...
LikShiftsSTTLikShiftsSTT: Calculates likelihood of piecewise constant...
LikTypesSTTLikTypesSTT: Calculates the likelihood of the 2-type...
TreePar-packageEstimating birth and death rates based on phylogenies
TreePar documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:20 p.m.