Man pages for TrenchR
Tools for Microclimate and Biophysical Ecology

actual_vapor_pressureActual Vapor Pressure from Dewpoint Temperature
airpressure_from_elevAir Pressure from Elevation
air_temp_profileAir Temperature Profile using MICRO Routine
air_temp_profile_neutralAir Temperature at a Specified Height Under Neutral...
air_temp_profile_segmentAir Temperature at a Specified Height
angle-conversionsConvert Angles Between Radians and Degrees
azimuth_angleAzimuth Angle
boundary_layer_resistanceBoundary Layer Resistance
constantsGeneral Use Constants
daylengthDay Length
day_of_yearCalendar Day from Date
dec_angleSolar Declination in Radians
degree_daysDegree Days
direct_solar_radiationDirect Solar Radiation
diurnal_radiation_variationHourly Solar Radiation
diurnal_temp_variation_sineHourly Temperature Variation assuming a Sine Interpolation
diurnal_temp_variation_sineexpHourly Temperature Variation assuming Sine and Exponential...
diurnal_temp_variation_sinesqrtHourly Temperature Variation using Sine and Square Root...
DRYAIRProperties of Dry Air
external_resistance_to_water_vapor_transferExternal Resistance to Water Vapor Transfer
free_or_forced_convectionDetermine if Convection is Free or Forced
Grashof_numberGrashof Number
Grashof_number_GatesGrashof Number as in Gates (1980)
heat_transfer_coefficientEstimate the Heat Transfer Coefficient Empirically
heat_transfer_coefficient_approximationEstimate the Heat Transfer Coefficient Using a Spherical...
heat_transfer_coefficient_simpleEstimate the Heat Transfer Coefficient using Simple...
mass_from_lengthOrganism Mass from Length
monthly_solar_radiationAverage Monthly Solar Radiation
Nusselt_from_GrashofNusselt Number from the Grashof Number
Nusselt_from_ReynoldsNusselt Number from the Reynolds Number
Nusselt_numberNusselt Number
partition_solar_radiationDiffuse Fraction for Partitioning Solar Radiation
Prandtl_numberPrandtl Number
proportion_diffuse_solar_radiationRatio of Diffuse to Direct Solar Radiation
proportion_silhouette_areaOrganism Silhouette Area
proportion_silhouette_area_shapesOrganism Silhouette Area using Shape Approximations
Qconduction_animalConductance Assuming Animal Thermal Conductivity is Rate...
Qconduction_substrateConductance Assuming Substrate Thermal Conductivity is Rate...
QconvectionOrganismal Convection
Qemitted_thermal_radiationEmitted Thermal Radiation
QevaporationHeat Loss Associated with Evaporative Water Loss
Qmetabolism_from_massMetabolism as a Function of Mass
Qmetabolism_from_mass_tempMetabolism as a Function of Mass and Body Temperature
Qnet_GatesNet Energy Exchange Between an Animal and the Environment
Qradiation_absorbedAbsorbed Solar and Thermal Radiation
Qthermal_radiation_absorbedAbsorbed Thermal Radiation
Reynolds_numberReynolds Number
saturation_vapor_pressureSaturation Vapor Pressure
saturation_water_vapor_pressureSaturation Water Vapor Pressure
soil_conductivitySoil Thermal Conductivity
soil_specific_heatSoil Specific Heat
soil_temperatureCalculate Soil Temperature using ODEs
soil_temperature_equationCore Function Called to Solve Equation for Soil Temperature
soil_temperature_functionCore Function for Calculating Soil Temperature
soil_temperature_integrandSolve Equation for Soil Temperature
solar_noonTime of Solar Noon
solar_radiationEstimate the Three Components of Solar Radiation (Direct,...
surface_area_from_lengthOrganism Surface Area from Length
surface_area_from_massOrganism Surface Area from Mass
surface_area_from_volumeOrganism Surface Area from Volume
surface_roughnessSurface Roughness from Empirical Measurements
Tb_butterflyOperative Environmental Temperature of a Butterfly
Tb_CampbellNormanOperative Environmental Temperature of an Ectotherm based on...
Tbed_musselOperative Environmental Temperature of a Mussel Bed
Tb_GatesOperative Environmental Temperature of an Ectotherm Based on...
Tb_Gates2Operative Environmental Temperature of an Ectotherm Based on...
Tb_grasshopperOperative Environmental Temperature of a Grasshopper
Tb_limpetOperative Environmental Temperature of a Limpet
Tb_limpetBHOperative Environmental Temperature of a Limpet Based on a...
Tb_lizardOperative Environmental Temperature of a Lizard
Tb_lizard_FeiOperative Temperature of a Lizard Using Fei et al. (2012)
Tb_musselOperative Environmental Temperature of a Mussel
Tb_salamander_humidHumid Operative Environmental Temperature of a Salamander
Tb_snailOperative Environmental Temperature of a Marine Snail
temperature-conversionsConvert Among Temperature Scales
TPCGaussian-Quadratic Function Thermal Performance Curve
TPC_betaBeta Function Thermal Performance Curve
TrenchR-packageTrenchR: Tools for Microclimate and Biophysical Ecology
T_skyEffective radiant temperature of sky (K)
TsoilApproximate Soil Temperature
VAPPRSSaturation Vapor Pressure
volume_from_lengthOrganism Volume from Length
WETAIRProperties of Wet Air
wind_speed_profile_neutralWind Speed at a Specific Height Under Neutral Conditions
wind_speed_profile_segmentWind Speed at a Specified Height
zenith_angleZenith Angle
TrenchR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.