DRYAIR: Properties of Dry Air

View source: R/DRYWETAIR.R

DRYAIRR Documentation

Properties of Dry Air


The function calculates several properties of dry air and related characteristics shown as output variables below. The program is based on equations from \insertCiteList1971;textualTrenchR and code implementation from NicheMapR \insertCiteKearney2017,Kearney2020TrenchR.

The user must supply values for the input variables db, bp, and alt. If alt is known (-1000 < alt < 20000) but not BP, then set bp = 0.


DRYAIR(db, bp = 0, alt = 0)



numeric dry bulb temperature (C).


numeric barometric pressure (Pa).


numeric altitude (m).


Named list with elements

  • patmos: numeric standard atmospheric pressure (Pa)

  • density: numeric density (kg m-3)

  • visdyn: numeric dynamic viscosity (kg m-1 s-1)

  • viskin: numeric kinematic viscosity (m2 s-1)

  • difvpr: numeric diffusivity of water vapor in air (m2 s-1)

  • thcond: numeric thermal conductivity (W K-1 m-1)

  • htovpr: numeric latent heat of vaporization of water (J kg-1)

  • tcoeff: numeric temperature coefficient of volume expansion (K-1)

  • ggroup: numeric group of variables in Grashof number (m-3 K-1)

  • bbemit: numeric black body emittance (W m-2)

  • emtmax: numeric wave length of maximum emittance (m)




  DRYAIR(db = 30, 
         bp = 100*1000, 
         alt = 0)

TrenchR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.