Man pages for UKFE
UK Flood Estimation

AddGaugeAdd an AMAX sample
AggDayHourAggregate a time series
AMextractAnnual maximum extraction
AMImportImport an annual maximum (AMAX) sample from NRFA peak flow...
AMplotPlot of the annual maximum sample
AMSPNational River Flow Archive (NRFA) annual maximum data for...
ARFAreal reduction factor (ARF)
BFIBaseflow index (BFI)
CDsXMLImport catchment descriptors from .xml files
DDFDDF results from a DDFImport object
DDF99FEH99 depth duration frequency precipitation model
DDF99ParsDDF99 parameters from .xml files
DDFImportDDF13 or DDF22 results from .xml files
DesHydroDesign hydrograph extraction
DeTrendLinearly detrend a sample
DiagPlotsDiagnostic plots for pooling groups
DonAdjDonor adjustment candidates & results
EncProbEncounter probabilities
ERPlotExtreme rank plot
EVPlotExtreme value plot (frequency and growth curves)
EVPlotAddAdd lines and/or points to an extreme value plot
EVPoolExtreme value plot for pooling groups
GenLogAMGeneralised logistic distribution - estimates directly from...
GenLogEstGeneralised logistic distribution estimates from parameters
GenLogGFGeneralised logistic distribution growth factors
GenLogParsGeneralised logistic distribution parameter estimates
GenParetoEstGeneralised Pareto distribution estimates from parameters
GenParetoGFGeneralised Pareto distribution growth factors
GenParetoParsGeneralised Pareto distribution parameter estimates
GenParetoPOTGeneralised Pareto distribution - estimates directly from...
GetAMGet an annual maximum sample from the National River Flow...
GetCDsGet catchment descriptors from the National River Flow...
GetFlowStage_EAGet flow or level data from the Environment Agency's...
GetMetOfficeGet regional Met Office average temperature or rainfall...
GetNRFAGet National River Flow Archive data using gauge ID.
GetQMEDQMED from a gauged site suitable for QMED
GetRainEAGet Environment Agency rainfall data (England).
GetRainSEPAGet Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) hourly...
GEVAMGeneralised extreme value distribution - estimates directly...
GEVEstGeneralised extreme value distribution estimates from...
GEVGFGeneralised extreme value distribution growth factors
GEVParsGeneralised extreme value distribution parameter estimates
GoFCompareGoodness of fit comparison (single sample)
GoFComparePoolGoodness of fit comparison (for a pooling group)
GridRefConvertConvert between British National Grid Reference (BNG) and...
GumbelAMGumbel distribution - estimates directly from sample
GumbelEstGumbel distribution estimates from parameters
GumbelGFGumbel distribution growth factors
GumbelParsGumbel distribution parameter estimates
H2Heterogeneity measure (H2) for pooling groups.
HydroPlotHydrological plot of concurrent discharge and precipitation
Kappa3AMKappa3 distribution - estimates directly from sample
Kappa3EstKappa3 distribution estimates from parameters
Kappa3GFKappa3 distribution growth factors
Kappa3ParsKappa3 distribution parameter estimates
LcvLinear coefficient of variation (Lcv)
LcvUrbUrban adjustment for the linear coefficient of variation...
LKurtLinear Kurtosis (LKurt)
LmomsLmoments & Lmoment ratios
LRatioChangeAdjust L-Ratios in a pooling group
LSkewLinear Skewness (LSkew)
LSkewUrbUrban adjustment for the linear skewness (LSkew)
MonthlyStatsMonthly Statistics
NGRDistBritish national grid reference (NGR) distances
NonFloodAdjNon-flood adjustment
NonFloodAdjPoolNon-flood adjustment for pooling groups
NRFADataNational River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated...
OptimParsOptimise distribution parameters
PoolCreate pooling group
PoolEstPooled flood estimates
PoolSmallCreate pooling group for small catchments
POTextractPeaks over threshold (POT) data extraction
POTtPeaks over threshold (POT) data extraction (quick)
QMEDQMED (median annual maximum flow) estimate from catchment...
QMEDDataNational River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated...
QMEDDonEqQMED donor adjustment
QMEDfseSSQMED factorial standard error for gauged sites
QMEDLinkQMED Linking equation
QMEDPOTEmpirical estimate of QMED from peaks over threshold (POT)...
QuickResultsQuick pooled results
RatingStage-Discharge equation optimisation
ReFHRevitalised Flood Hydrograph Model (ReFH)
SCFSeasonal correction factor (SCF)
SimDataData simulator
ThamesPQKingston upon Thames daily flow and catchment precipitation...
TrendTestTrend hypothesis test
UAFUrban adjustment factor (UAF) and percentage runoff urban...
UEFUrban expansion factor
UKOutlineUK outline
UncertaintyUncertainty quantification for gauged and ungauged pooled...
UncSSUncertainty for the single site
WeightsGLcvSite gauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) weightings
WeightsGLSkewSite gauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightings
WeightsUnLcvSite ungauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)...
WeightsUnLSkewSite ungauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightings
WGaugLcvGauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)
WGaugLSkewGauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew)
WungLcvUngauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)
WungLSkewUngauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew)
ZdistsZdist Goodness of fit measure for pooling groups
UKFE documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:46 a.m.