AddGauge | Add an AMAX sample |
AggDayHour | Aggregate a time series |
AMextract | Annual maximum extraction |
AMImport | Import an annual maximum (AMAX) sample from NRFA peak flow... |
AMplot | Plot of the annual maximum sample |
AMSP | National River Flow Archive (NRFA) annual maximum data for... |
ARF | Areal reduction factor (ARF) |
BFI | Baseflow index (BFI) |
CDsXML | Import catchment descriptors from .xml files |
DDF | DDF results from a DDFImport object |
DDF99 | FEH99 depth duration frequency precipitation model |
DDF99Pars | DDF99 parameters from .xml files |
DDFImport | DDF13 or DDF22 results from .xml files |
DesHydro | Design hydrograph extraction |
DeTrend | Linearly detrend a sample |
DiagPlots | Diagnostic plots for pooling groups |
DonAdj | Donor adjustment candidates & results |
EncProb | Encounter probabilities |
ERPlot | Extreme rank plot |
EVPlot | Extreme value plot (frequency and growth curves) |
EVPlotAdd | Add lines and/or points to an extreme value plot |
EVPool | Extreme value plot for pooling groups |
GenLogAM | Generalised logistic distribution - estimates directly from... |
GenLogEst | Generalised logistic distribution estimates from parameters |
GenLogGF | Generalised logistic distribution growth factors |
GenLogPars | Generalised logistic distribution parameter estimates |
GenParetoEst | Generalised Pareto distribution estimates from parameters |
GenParetoGF | Generalised Pareto distribution growth factors |
GenParetoPars | Generalised Pareto distribution parameter estimates |
GenParetoPOT | Generalised Pareto distribution - estimates directly from... |
GetAM | Get an annual maximum sample from the National River Flow... |
GetCDs | Get catchment descriptors from the National River Flow... |
GetFlowStage_EA | Get flow or level data from the Environment Agency's... |
GetMetOffice | Get regional Met Office average temperature or rainfall... |
GetNRFA | Get National River Flow Archive data using gauge ID. |
GetQMED | QMED from a gauged site suitable for QMED |
GetRainEA | Get Environment Agency rainfall data (England). |
GetRainSEPA | Get Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) hourly... |
GEVAM | Generalised extreme value distribution - estimates directly... |
GEVEst | Generalised extreme value distribution estimates from... |
GEVGF | Generalised extreme value distribution growth factors |
GEVPars | Generalised extreme value distribution parameter estimates |
GoFCompare | Goodness of fit comparison (single sample) |
GoFComparePool | Goodness of fit comparison (for a pooling group) |
GridRefConvert | Convert between British National Grid Reference (BNG) and... |
GumbelAM | Gumbel distribution - estimates directly from sample |
GumbelEst | Gumbel distribution estimates from parameters |
GumbelGF | Gumbel distribution growth factors |
GumbelPars | Gumbel distribution parameter estimates |
H2 | Heterogeneity measure (H2) for pooling groups. |
HydroPlot | Hydrological plot of concurrent discharge and precipitation |
Kappa3AM | Kappa3 distribution - estimates directly from sample |
Kappa3Est | Kappa3 distribution estimates from parameters |
Kappa3GF | Kappa3 distribution growth factors |
Kappa3Pars | Kappa3 distribution parameter estimates |
Lcv | Linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) |
LcvUrb | Urban adjustment for the linear coefficient of variation... |
LKurt | Linear Kurtosis (LKurt) |
Lmoms | Lmoments & Lmoment ratios |
LRatioChange | Adjust L-Ratios in a pooling group |
LSkew | Linear Skewness (LSkew) |
LSkewUrb | Urban adjustment for the linear skewness (LSkew) |
MonthlyStats | Monthly Statistics |
NGRDist | British national grid reference (NGR) distances |
NonFloodAdj | Non-flood adjustment |
NonFloodAdjPool | Non-flood adjustment for pooling groups |
NRFAData | National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated... |
OptimPars | Optimise distribution parameters |
Pool | Create pooling group |
PoolEst | Pooled flood estimates |
PoolSmall | Create pooling group for small catchments |
POTextract | Peaks over threshold (POT) data extraction |
POTt | Peaks over threshold (POT) data extraction (quick) |
QMED | QMED (median annual maximum flow) estimate from catchment... |
QMEDData | National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated... |
QMEDDonEq | QMED donor adjustment |
QMEDfseSS | QMED factorial standard error for gauged sites |
QMEDLink | QMED Linking equation |
QMEDPOT | Empirical estimate of QMED from peaks over threshold (POT)... |
QuickResults | Quick pooled results |
Rating | Stage-Discharge equation optimisation |
ReFH | Revitalised Flood Hydrograph Model (ReFH) |
SCF | Seasonal correction factor (SCF) |
SimData | Data simulator |
ThamesPQ | Kingston upon Thames daily flow and catchment precipitation... |
TrendTest | Trend hypothesis test |
UAF | Urban adjustment factor (UAF) and percentage runoff urban... |
UEF | Urban expansion factor |
UKOutline | UK outline |
Uncertainty | Uncertainty quantification for gauged and ungauged pooled... |
UncSS | Uncertainty for the single site |
WeightsGLcv | Site gauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) weightings |
WeightsGLSkew | Site gauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightings |
WeightsUnLcv | Site ungauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)... |
WeightsUnLSkew | Site ungauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightings |
WGaugLcv | Gauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) |
WGaugLSkew | Gauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew) |
WungLcv | Ungauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) |
WungLSkew | Ungauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew) |
Zdists | Zdist Goodness of fit measure for pooling groups |
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