Man pages for UMR
Unmatched Monotone Regression

gradDesc_fixed_dfGradient Descent with a fixed number of constant pieces...
grad_helpersHelper functions for calculating gradient of least-squares...
objective_fn_numintCompute Unlinked Monotone Regression objective function...
UMRUMR: For computing an estimator in Unlinked Monotone...
UMRactiveSetAn active set approach to minimizing objective in Unlinked...
UMRactiveSet_trustAn active set approach to minimizing objective in Unlinked...
UMRactiveSet_trust2An active set approach to minimizing objective in Unlinked...
UMR_CC_generic@title Second derivative computations of least-squares...
umr_deconvCarpentier and Schluter 2016 deconvolution method for...
UMRgradDescBasic gradient descent implementation
UMRgradDesc_fixed_dfGradient Descent with a fixed number of constant pieces...
UMRgradDesc_PCGradient Descent implemented for Piecewise Constant functions
UMRgrad_genericGradient of least-squares Shuffled Isotonic Regression...
UMRhessCompute Hessian of Unlinked Monotone Regression objective...
UMR documentation built on Aug. 14, 2021, 9:09 a.m.