Man pages for UPMASK
Unsupervised Photometric Membership Assignment in Stellar Clusters

analyse_randomKde2dPerform analysis of random 2d distributions
analyse_randomKde2d_AutoCalibratedPerform analysis of random 2d distributions (auto calibrated)
analyse_randomKde2d_smartPerform analysis of random 2d distributions
create_randomKde2dCompute the density based distance quantity using a 2D Kernel...
create_smartTableCreate a look up table
getStarsAtHighestDensityRegionPerform cut in the membership list based on the 2D space...
innerLoopUPMASK inner loop
kde2dForSubsetCompute the density based distance quantity using a 2D Kernel...
meanThreeSigRejPerform cuts in the data
outerLoopUPMASK outer loop
performCutsPerform cuts in the data
takeErrorsIntoAccountTake Errors Into Account for UPMASK analysis
UPMASKdataRun UPMASK in a data frame
UPMASKfileRun UPMASK in a file
UPMASK-packageUnsupervised Photometric Membership Assignment in Stellar...
UPMASK documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:39 p.m.