
Defines functions ph_grad ph_eval ph_ll joint_ms_opt_lb opt_priv joint_ms_n_params joint_ms_parameter_indices joint_ms_parameter_names .joint_ms_hess joint_ms_eval_lb_gr joint_ms_eval_lb joint_ms_n_terms .joint_ms_ptr eval_expansion expansion_object

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# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

expansion_object <- function(dat) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_expansion_object`, dat)

eval_expansion <- function(ptr, x, weights, ders, lower_limit) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_eval_expansion`, ptr, x, weights, ders, lower_limit)

.joint_ms_ptr <- function(markers, survival_terms, max_threads, delayed_terms) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_ptr`, markers, survival_terms, max_threads, delayed_terms)

joint_ms_n_terms <- function(ptr) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_n_terms`, ptr)

joint_ms_eval_lb <- function(val, ptr, n_threads, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gh_quad_rule) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_eval_lb`, val, ptr, n_threads, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gh_quad_rule)

joint_ms_eval_lb_gr <- function(val, ptr, n_threads, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gh_quad_rule) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_eval_lb_gr`, val, ptr, n_threads, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gh_quad_rule)

.joint_ms_hess <- function(val, ptr, quad_rule, cache_expansions, eps, scale, tol, order, gh_quad_rule) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_hess`, val, ptr, quad_rule, cache_expansions, eps, scale, tol, order, gh_quad_rule)

joint_ms_parameter_names <- function(ptr) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_parameter_names`, ptr)

joint_ms_parameter_indices <- function(ptr) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_parameter_indices`, ptr)

joint_ms_n_params <- function(ptr) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_n_params`, ptr)

opt_priv <- function(val, ptr, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gr_tol, gh_quad_rule) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_opt_priv`, val, ptr, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, quad_rule, cache_expansions, gr_tol, gh_quad_rule)

joint_ms_opt_lb <- function(val, ptr, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, max_cg, pre_method, quad_rule, mask, cache_expansions, only_markers, gr_tol, gh_quad_rule) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_joint_ms_opt_lb`, val, ptr, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, max_cg, pre_method, quad_rule, mask, cache_expansions, only_markers, gr_tol, gh_quad_rule)

ph_ll <- function(time_fixef, Z, surv, with_frailty, fixef_design_varying, rng_design_varying) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_ph_ll`, time_fixef, Z, surv, with_frailty, fixef_design_varying, rng_design_varying)

ph_eval <- function(ptr, par, quad_rule, va_var) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_ph_eval`, ptr, par, quad_rule, va_var)

ph_grad <- function(ptr, par, quad_rule, va_var) {
    .Call(`_VAJointSurv_ph_grad`, ptr, par, quad_rule, va_var)

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VAJointSurv documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 9:05 a.m.