
Defines functions getTechVarPropForSCT getTechVarPropV5 getTechVarProp vamForSeurat

Documented in vamForSeurat

# SeuratWrapperForVAM.R
# A Seurat-specific wrapper around VAM.R.
# @author rob.frost@dartmouth.edu

# Computes the adjusted Mahalanobis distance measures using the normalized gene expression values for the cells in a Seurat object.
# If NormalizeData() was used for normalization, the technical variance of each gene is computed as
# the proportion of technical variance (from FindVariableFeatures()) multiplied by the variance of the 
# normalized counts. If SCTransform was used for normalization, the technical variance for each gene is set
# to 1 (the normalized counts output by SCTransform should have variance 1 if there is only technical variation).
# Inputs:
# -seurat.data: The Seurat object that holds the scRNA-seq data. 
#  Assumes normalization has already been performed.
# -gene.weights: See vamForCollection() function in VAM.R for details.
# -gene.set.collection: List of m gene sets for which scores are computed.
#  Each element in the list corresponds to a gene set and the list element is a vector
#  of indices for the genes in the set. The index value is defined relative to the
#  order of genes in the gene.exprs matrix. Gene set names should be specified as list names.
#  See createGeneSetCollection() function in VAM.R for utility function that can be used to 
#  help generate this list of indices.
# -center: See vam() function in VAM.R for details.
# -gamma: See vam() function in VAM.R for details. 
# -sample.cov: If true, will use the sample covariance matrix in the Mahalanobis computation. If false (default),
#            will use just the technical variance.
# -return.dist: If true, will return the squared adjusted Mahalanobis distances in a new Assay object called "VAM.dist".
# Output:
#   Updated Seurat object. 
#   If return.dist is true, the matrix of squared adjusted Mahalanobis distances will be stored in new Assay object called "VAM.dist".
#   The matrix of CDF values (1 minus the one-sided p-values) will be stored in new Assay object called "VAM.cdf".
vamForSeurat = function(seurat.data,
) {
  if (!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)) {
    stop("Seurat package not available!")
  if (missing(seurat.data)) {
    stop("Missing Seurat object!")
  if (missing(gene.set.collection)) {
    stop("Missing gene set collection list!")
  # Use the active.assay slot to determine whether SCTransform or the standard normalization logic was used
  if (seurat.data@active.assay == "RNA") {

    # Use the log normalized counts
    if (is(seurat.data@assays$RNA, "Assay5")) {
      normalized.counts = seurat.data@assays$RNA@layers$data
      colnames(normalized.counts) = colnames(seurat.data)
    } else {
      normalized.counts = seurat.data@assays$RNA@data
    if (!sample.cov) {
      # For the standard normalization pipeline, 
      # get the proportion of variance that appears technical according to FindVariableFeatures
      if (is(seurat.data@assays$RNA, "Assay5")) {
        tech.var.prop = getTechVarPropV5(seurat.data)
      } else {
        tech.var.prop = getTechVarProp(seurat.data)
  } else if (seurat.data@active.assay == "SCT") {
    # Use the log1p transformed corrected counts. The SCT correction process reverses the regression model
    # to generate counts that approximate what would be found if all cells were sequenced to the same depth.
    if (is(seurat.data@assays$SCT,"Assay5")) {
      normalized.counts = seurat.data@assays$SCT@layers$data 
      colnames(normalized.counts) = colnames(seurat.data)
    } else {
      normalized.counts = seurat.data@assays$SCT@data    
    if (!sample.cov) {
      # Get the proportion of variance that appears technical according to the Pearson residuals (these
      # will have variance 1 if entirely technical); v3 and v5 assay logic is the same
      tech.var.prop = getTechVarPropForSCT(seurat.data)
  } else {    
    stop("Unsupported active assay: ", seurat.data@active.assay)
  if (missing(gene.weights)) {
    # Default weights to 1
    message("gene.weights not specified, defaulting all weights to 1")
    gene.weights = rep(1, nrow(normalized.counts))    
  # Compute the gene set-specific and variance-adjusted Mahalanobis matrix on the normalized counts
  if (sample.cov) {
    vam.results = vamForCollection(gene.expr=Matrix::t(normalized.counts),
        center=center, gamma=gamma)  
  } else {
    vam.results = vamForCollection(gene.expr=Matrix::t(normalized.counts),
        tech.var.prop = tech.var.prop, 
        center=center, gamma=gamma)
  # Create Assay object to store the squared distances
  if (return.dist) {
    dist.assay = Seurat::CreateAssayObject(counts = t(vam.results$distance.sq))
    seurat.data[["VAMdist"]] = dist.assay
  # Create Assay object to store the CDF values
  cdf.assay = Seurat::CreateAssayObject(counts = t(vam.results$cdf.value))
  seurat.data[["VAMcdf"]] = cdf.assay    
  return (seurat.data)

# Helper method that computes proportion of technical variance for each gene
# based on the standard normalization method.
getTechVarProp = function(seurat.data) {
  p = nrow(seurat.data@assays$RNA@data)
  # Ensure we have vst results
  meta.features = colnames(seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.features)
  if (length(meta.features) <= 3 
      | meta.features[2] != "vst.variance" 
      | meta.features[3] != "vst.variance.expected") { 
    message("Did not find vst variance decomposition, setting technical variance proportion to 1")
    return (rep(1, p))
  # For the standard normalization pipeline, 
  # get the proportion of variance that appears technical according to FindVariableFeatures
  tech.var.prop = seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.features[,3]/seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.features[,2]		
  # For NaN entries (vst var is 0), set prop.tech.var to 1
  tech.var.prop[which(is.nan(tech.var.prop))] = 1  
  return (tech.var.prop)  

getTechVarPropV5 = function(seurat.data) {
  if (!is(seurat.data@assays$RNA,"Assay5")) {
    stop("Trying to call Assay5 logic on non-V5 object!")
  p = nrow(seurat.data@assays$RNA@layers$data)
  # Ensure we have vst results
  meta.data.cols = colnames(seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.data)
  if (length(meta.data.cols) <= 3 
      | meta.data.cols[2] != "vf_vst_counts_variance" 
      | meta.data.cols[3] != "vf_vst_counts_variance.expected") { 
    message("Did not find vst variance decomposition, setting technical variance proportion to 1")
    return (rep(1, p))
  # For the standard normalization pipeline, 
  # get the proportion of variance that appears technical according to FindVariableFeatures
  tech.var.prop = seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.data[,3]/seurat.data@assays$RNA@meta.data[,2]		
  # For NaN entries (vst var is 0), set prop.tech.var to 1
  tech.var.prop[which(is.nan(tech.var.prop))] = 1  
  return (tech.var.prop)  

# Helper method that computes the proportion of technical variance for each gene
# using the SCTransform Pearson residuals
getTechVarPropForSCT = function(seurat.data) {
  # Make sure that SCTModel.list exists
  SCT.slots = methods::slotNames(seurat.data@assays$SCT)
  if (!("SCTModel.list" %in% SCT.slots)) {
    stop("Missing slot SCTModel.list on seurat.data@assays$SCT!")
  # Make sure there is a model
  num.models = length(seurat.data@assays$SCT@SCTModel.list)
  if (num.models == 0) {
    stop("seurat.data@assays$SCT@SCTModel.list is empty!")
  } else if (num.models > 1) {
    warning("Multiple SCTransform models, the first model will be used.")
  sct.model = seurat.data@assays$SCT@SCTModel.list[[1]]
  # Make sure there is a residual variance feature
  sct.feature.attributes = names(sct.model@feature.attributes)
  if (!("residual_variance" %in% sct.feature.attributes)) {
    stop("Feature 'residual_variance' missing from seurat.data@assays$SCT@SCTModel.list[[1]]@feature.attributes!")
  # The Pearson residuals should have 1 variance if just noise so can use the 
  # saved residual variance to compute the proportion of technical variance
  tech.var.prop = 1/sct.model@feature.attributes$residual_variance
  return (tech.var.prop)  

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VAM documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 5:06 p.m.