Man pages for VARshrink
Shrinkage Estimation Methods for Vector Autoregressive Models

Acoef_shCoefficient matrices of endogenous variables
arch.test_shARCH-LM test
Bcoef_shCoefficient matrix
BQ_shBQ function for class "varshrinkest"
calcSSE_AcoefSum of squared errors (SSE) between coefficients of two VARs
causality_shCausality Analysis for class "varshrinkest"
convPsi2varresultConvert format for VAR coefficients from Psi to varresult
createVARCoefs_ltriangularCreate coefficients of a VAR model
fevd.varshrinkestForecast Error Variance Decomposition
irf.varshrinkestImpulse response function
lm_full_Bayes_SRFull Bayesian Shrinkage Estimation Method for Multivariate...
lm_multiv_ridgeMultivariate Ridge Regression
lm_semi_Bayes_PCVSemiparametric Bayesian Shrinkage Estimation Method for...
lm_ShVAR_KCVK-fold Cross Validation for Selection of Shrinkage Parameters...
logLik.varshrinkestLog-likelihood method for class "varshrinkest"
normality.test_shNormality, multivariate skewness and kurtosis test
Phi.varshrinkestCoefficient matrices of the MA represention
predict.varshrinkestPredict method for objects of class varshrinkest
print.varshrinkestPrint method for class "varshrinkest"
print.varshsumPrint method for class "varshsum"
restrict_shRestricted VAR
roots_shEigenvalues of the companion coefficient matrix of a...
serial.test_shTest for serially correlated errors for VAR shrinkage...
shrinkVARcoefSemiparametric Bayesian Shrinkage Estimator for Multivariate...
simVARmodelGenerate multivariate time series data using the given VAR...
stability_shStability function
summary.shrinklmSummary method for class "shrinklm"
summary.varshrinkestSummary method for an object of class 'varshrinkest', VAR...
VARshrinkShrinkage estimation of VAR parameters
VARshrink documentation built on Oct. 9, 2019, 5:06 p.m.