dl2vbt: Convert a double list to vector binary tree

View source: R/dlCvrt.R

dl2vbtR Documentation

Convert a double list to vector binary tree


Convert a double list to vector binary tree. The pure numeric layers will be sorted intrinsically then all elements be exported in character form.


dl2vbt(x, regularize = TRUE, splt = "-")



A double list to be converted.


A boolean value to control the treatment of empty layers of double listed to be converted. The default value TRUE will fill the empty layer by mark "*". The default value is recommanded.


A string pattern to split the binding elements in each layer if the sub-constructure exists. The default pattern uses "-".


Return a vector binary tree.

See Also

vbtinq, vbtsub, advbtinq, advbtsub, trvssubinq, dl2ts, dl2arr.


#Structurize the column names of datatest:
colname <- colnames(datatest)
colnamedl <- chrvec2dl(colname, "-")
colnamevbt <- dl2vbt(colnamedl)

#Simple data cleaning for sub-constructure existing double list;
#Make unregulated double list:
unregdl <- list(c("7", 2, 10), c("chr", "5"), c(),
c("var2", "var1", "var3"), c("M-8-9", "3-2"), c("6-3", "2-7"))
regvbt <- dl2vbt(unregdl)
regvbt2 <- dl2vbt(unregdl, FALSE) # not recommended

VBTree documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:07 a.m.