Variance_Test Shiny"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
   h6("Chisquare Test of Variance"),

   sliderInput("los", label = "Enter the level of significance:",
                    min = 0.01, max = 0.1, value = 0.05, step = 0.01),
   selectInput("Tail", label = " Choose among less(lower tail),greater(upper tail),two.sided(Two tail)", choices = c("less","greater","two.sided"), selected = "two.sided"),
   numericInput("psd","Enter hypothesized population standard deviation ",30),
    numericInput("ssd","Enter sample  standard deviation ",30),
   numericInput("ss","Enter sample  size",16)
 h6("F Test of Comparing Variances"),

   sliderInput("los2", label = "Enter the level of significance:",
                    min = 0.01, max = 0.1, value = 0.05, step = 0.01),
   selectInput("Tail2", label = " Choose among less(lower tail),greater(upper tail),two.sided(Two tail)", choices = c("less","greater","two.sided"), selected = "two.sided"),
   numericInput("ssd1","Enter standard deviation of sample1 ",30),
    numericInput("ss1","Enter sample  size of sample1",16),
    numericInput("ssd2","Enter standard deviation of sample2 ",30),
   numericInput("ss2","Enter sample  size of sample2",16)
  tabsetPanel(type = "tab",
              tabPanel("ChiSquare Test for Variance", verbatimTextOutput("MD")),
            tabPanel("F Test for Comparing Variances",verbatimTextOutput("MD2"))

h6("", tags$img(src ="K.JPG", height= 400, width=400))

rnorm2 = function(n,mean,sd) { mean+sd*scale(rnorm(n)) }
data_set1 = rnorm2(n= input$ss, mean = 1000, sd = input$ssd)
varTest(x = as.vector(data_set1),alternative = input$Tail,conf.level = (1-input$los),sigma.squared = (input$psd ^ 2))

rnorm2 = function(n,mean,sd) { mean+sd*scale(rnorm(n)) }
data_set1 = rnorm2(n= input$ss1, mean = 1000, sd = input$ssd1)
data_set2 = rnorm2(n= input$ss2, mean = 1000, sd = input$ssd2)
var.test(x = as.vector(data_set1),y =as.vector(data_set2),alternative = input$Tail2,conf.level = (1-input$los2))
   } )

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VTShiny documentation built on July 18, 2019, 5:03 p.m.