Man pages for VUROCS
Volume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC Analysis

clarCumulative LGD Accuracy Ratio
clarAdjAdjusted Cumulative LGD Accuracy Ratio
Kendall_taubKendall's Tau_b and its asymptotic standard errors
Kendall_taucKendall's Tau_c and its asymptotic standard errors
Kruskal_GammaKruskal's Gamma and its asymptotic standard errors
SomersDSomers' D and its asymptotic standard errors
VUROCS-packageVolume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC Analysis
VUSVolume under the ROC surface
VUScovCovariance of two volumes under the ROC surface
VUSvarVariance of the volume under the ROC surface
VUROCS documentation built on April 14, 2020, 6:47 p.m.