Man pages for Visualize.CRAN.Downloads
Visualize Downloads from 'CRAN' Packages

checkDatesfunction to check dates, ie that t0<t1 and t0!=t1
check.FileDirfunction to check the existance of the directory and combine...
comparison.Pltfunction that generates a comparison plot among several...
interactivePlotsfunction that generates interactive plots of the package...
lastyear.datefunction that returns the date from one year ago
loadLibraryfunction to check and load an specific set of libraries
movingFngeneric fn that computes the "fn" on a moving window
outputTypefunction to validate the type of file format and open the...
processPckgmain function to analyze a list of packages in a given time...
retrievePckgDatafunction to download the data from the CRAN logs for an...
staticPlotsfunction that generates visual trends of the package...
summariesfunction to display the summary of the data
time.intervalsfunction to identify units of times and time intervals for...
time.unitsfunction to identify units of times based on the number of...
todayfunction that returns the current date
Visualize.CRAN.Downloads documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:21 p.m.