Man pages for WLinfer
Statistical Inference in Weighted Lindley Distribution

CoxSnell_biasCox & Snell bias correction methods for estimators
fail_fiberThe failure stresses (in GPA) of single carbon fibers
fail_timeThe lifetime failure data of an electronic device
Firth_WLFirth's method for bias correction of estimators
lifetime_alumThe lifetimes of aluminum specimens
MLE_WLMLE in weighed Lindley distribution
MME_varAsymptotic covariance matrix of estimators
MME_WLEstimating parameters in weighed Lindley distribution
plot.WLSome plots for 'WL'
summary.WLSummarizing WL function
wilks.testEstimator test based on Wilks' theorem
WLStatistical inference in weighted Lindley distribution
WLinfer documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 9:06 a.m.