Man pages for WSGeometry
Geometric Tools Based on Balanced/Unbalanced Optimal Transport

barycenter_lpExact computation of 2-Wasserstein barycenters in R^d using...
bin2dBin data onto a grid.
frechet_funcCompute the Frechet functional/The objective value of the...
geodesic_posCompute Wasserstein geodesics
grid_positionsGenerate a 2d grid in [0,1]^2 of given size.
kr_barySolves the (2,C)-Barycenter problem between N measures of...
kr_distCompute the p-Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance between two...
location_scatter_baryComputes the 2-Wasserstein barycenter of location-scatter...
multi_marginalSolve the multimarginal optimal transport problem by linear...
plotGeodesicPlot previously computed Wasserstein geodesics
smearSplit the values of entries in a matrix between a specified...
wasserstein_baryCompute Wasserstein barycenters
ws_bary_maaipmSolves the 2-Wasserstein Barycenter problem between N...
ws_distCompute the p-Wasserstein distance between two measures
ws_logpcaComputes Wasserstein principal components
WSGeometry documentation built on Dec. 15, 2021, 1:08 a.m.