Man pages for WebPower
Basic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis

CRT2Example Data For CRT With 2 Arms
CRT3Example Data For CRT With 3 Arms
estCRT2armEstimate multilevel effect size from data
MRT2Example Data For MRT With 2 Arms
MRT3Example Data For MRT With 3 Arms
nunirootSolve A Single Equation
plot.lcs.powerPlot the power curve for Latent Change Score Models
plot.webpowerTo plot Statistical Power Curve
print.webpowerTo Print Statistical Power Analysis Results
sem.effect.sizeCalculate the Effect Size for SEM
summary.powerSummary Statistical Power Analysis Results
WebPower-packageBasic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis
wp.anovaStatistical Power Analysis for One-way ANOVA
wp.anova.binaryStatistical Power Analysis for One-way ANOVA with Binary Data
wp.anova.countStatistical Power Analysis for One-way ANOVA with Count Data
wp.blcsmStatistical Power Curve for Bivariate Latent Change Score...
wp.correlationStatistical Power Analysis for Correlation
wp.crt2armStatistical Power Analysis for Cluster Randomized Trials with...
wp.crt3armStatistical Power Analysis for Cluster Randomized Trials with...
wp.effect.CRT2armEffect size calculatator based on raw data for Cluster...
wp.effect.CRT3armEffect size calculatator based on raw data for Cluster...
wp.effect.MRT2armEffect size calculatator based on raw data for Multisite...
wp.effect.MRT3armEffect size calculatator based on raw data for Multisite...
wp.kanovaPower analysis for two-way, three-way and k-way ANOVA
wp.lcsmStatistical Power Curve for Univariate Latent Change Score...
wp.logisticStatistical Power Analysis for Logistic Regression Power Analysis for SEM Based on Chi-square... Power Analysis for Structural Equation Modeling /... Power Analysis for Structural Equation Modeling /... Power Curve for Structural Equation Modeling /... analysis for t-test based on Monte Carlo simulation
wp.mediationStatistical Power Analysis for Simple Mediation
wp.mmrmPower analysis for longitudinal data analysis
wp.mrt2armStatistical Power Analysis for Multisite Randomized Trials...
wp.mrt3armStatistical Power Analysis for Multisite Randomized Trials...
wp.poissonStatistical Power Analysis for Poisson Regression
wp.popParExtract Population Value Table
wp.propStatistical Power Analysis for Tests of Proportions
wp.regressionStatistical Power Analysis for Linear Regression
wp.rmanovaStatistical Power Analysis for Repeated Measures ANOVA
wp.sem.chisqStatistical Power Analysis for Structural Equation Modeling...
wp.sem.rmseaStatistical Power Analysis for Structural Equation Modeling...
wp.tStatistical Power Analysis for t-Tests
WebPower documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 1:06 a.m.